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By: C. Masil, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Deputy Director, Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine

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Prior to using force and when reasonably possible, officers will: Identify themselves as a police officer; Attempt to de-escalate; Give lawful commands; Afford the person a reasonable opportunity to comply, and; O P E R A T I O N S D E N V E R P O L I C E M A N U A L D E P A R T M E N T 105. Apply non-force alternatives, when possible, before resorting to the use of force. Utilizing these concepts and tactics can help officers maintain greater safety for themselves and others. For the purpose of this section, "reasonably possible" means that these actions must be taken prior to the use of force, unless to do so would unduly place any officer or individual at risk of injury or would create a risk of death or injury to other persons. When situations occur that involve an elevated risk of physical resistance or danger to officers, when time and circumstance permit, supervisors will respond to assist with successfully and safely resolving them. Force, or the threat of force, will not be used as a means of retaliation, punishment, or unlawful coercion. When an officer has determined that the use of lethal force is not necessary, the officer will, as soon as practicable, holster his/her handgun or safely stow a long weapon. Inappropriate Force: the community expects, and the Denver Police Department requires, that physical force may only be used if non-force alternatives would be ineffective, and such force is reasonable and necessary under the totality of the circumstances. Force that is not reasonable and necessary under the totality of the circumstances, including when non-force alternatives for compliance/arrest were possible and available to the officer but were not used prior to the use of force, will be deemed inappropriate force and officers can be subject to , at a minimum, discipline for violation of any applicable department policies, rules and regulations, and/or law violation. Duty to intervene: Officers will intervene, without regard for chain of command, whenever they witness another officer using inappropriate force and/or otherwise mistreating arrestees, suspects, or other persons. Any officer who intervenes in the use of force that exceeds the degree of force permitted, if any, under Colorado law or department policy, will not be disciplined or retaliated against for intervening or reporting inappropriate force or any other inappropriate conduct - including the failure to follow what the officer reasonably O P E R A T I O N S D E N V E R P O L I C E M A N U A L D E P A R T M E N T 105. Any officer who intervenes in what they believe to be any use of physical force that exceeds the degree of force permitted under Colorado law or this policy, or who witnesses such physical force happening so quickly there is no time to intervene, will: 1. Report the intervention and/or what they believe to be inappropriate force immediately to his or her immediate supervisor. If the officer intervened in or witnessed inappropriate force used by his or her immediate supervisor, the officer will immediately report such the intervention and/or inappropriate force to a higher-level command officer; and 2. Complete a written report regarding the intervention and/or inappropriate force that includes: the date, time and place of the incident; the identity, if known, and description of the participants; and a description of any intervention actions taken or, if none were taken, the reason why they were not. Any officer who intervenes in and/or reports inappropriate conduct - such as inappropriate force - will not be disciplined or retaliated against - in any way including if the officer fails to follow what the officer reasonably believes is an unconstitutional directive. Any officer who is found to have failed to intervene in the use of inappropriate force which results in serious bodily injury or death to any person, will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination. The opportunity to avoid (or reduce) the use of force necessary by attempting to safely use de-escalation techniques, the decision-making model, and/or non-force alternatives. Whether the individual is actively resisting arrest or attempting to evade arrest by flight. Whether the individual has the means or capability to cause injury or death to an officer or another. The availability of non-force alternatives to avoid using force or to reduce the force necessary. This policy does not require that an officer attempt to select or exhaust each option before moving to another type of force but the officer should use only a degree of force consistent with the minimization of injury to the individual and must apply non-force alternatives, when possible, before resorting to using force. Officers will not, under any circumstance: Use any method to apply sufficient pressure to a person in any manner that intentionally makes breathing difficult or impossible. Officers will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the individual is not left in a prone position for longer than absolutely necessary to gain control over the resisting individual. When reasonable for the safety of officers and other persons in the vicinity, the use of non-force alternatives.

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But remember that we are in the rotating frame cholesterol foods pdf generic 160 mg fenofibrate with visa, where the rotation rate is the field frequency cholesterol clarity buy 160mg fenofibrate with mastercard. To go back to the original variables cholesterol levels how to read order fenofibrate toronto, you just have to add to the precession frequency to get 0 z in the stationary coordinates cholesterol medication types cheap 160 mg fenofibrate with mastercard. We can therefore ^ see that the free evolution is just the precession of the excited state phase relative to that of the ground state. With a nearly resonant driving field with nonzero detuning, the rotation axis is tilted, being a combination of the previous two rotations. If the atom starts in the ground state, the trajectory never quite makes it exactly to the excited state. This a nice way to visualize how the off-resonant excitation ends up being incomplete. Furthermore, the rate at which the Rabi oscillations occur is given by the magnitude = ~ 2 + 2 =, (5. Suppose that we want to let a field interact with an atom in order to compare their frequencies. The main limitation in doing this is the interaction time, since long interaction times are required to resolve small frequency splittings (as dictated by the ``time-frequency uncertainty relation'). In principle, one can let the atom and field interact for a long time, but this poses a number of difficult problems. For example, for configurations such as the atomic beam, it is difficult to maintain a uniform interaction over the entire length of the beam, since the interaction region must be large (say, meters) for a sensitive measurment. Furthermore, constraints on the apparatus itself (such as the vacuum system) may not permit the driving field to enter in certain regions. We allow two identical fields (laser or microwave fields, depending on the transition, but both fields are derived from the same source) of width to cross the beam a distance L apart. Mathematically, we will idealize the fields as spatially uniform, but it is straightforward to generalize this to arbitrary beam profiles. Ramsey, ``A New Molecular Beam Resonance Method,' Physical Review 76, 996 (1949) (doi: 10. Ramsey, ``A Molecular Beam Resonance Method with Separated Oscillating Fields,' Physical Review 78, 695 (1950) (doi: 10. Two-Level Atom Interacting with a Classical Field field 1 atomic beam field 2 state-sensitive v detector L To see how this works, we will assume that the field is very close to the atomic resonance, so that, where is the Rabi frequency for each field. In doing so, we can ignore the fact that the Rabi oscillations do not quite occur about the x-axis. Now letting = /v be the interaction time of each field with the ~ passing atoms, the first field causes a Rabi oscillation with an accumulated phase of. We assume the atoms start in the ground state, and we will choose the field amplitude such that the field drives a /2-pulse. Then the interaction with the first field puts the atom in an equal superposition of the ground and excited states. Then in between the fields, the atom undergoes free evolution-precession about the -z-axis at rate -for a time T = L/v. The final field causes another /2-pulse, but its effect depends on the state of the atom after the precession stage. If the atom ends up with its initial phase after the precession, which happens if this an integer multiple of 2, then the effect of the second /2-pulse continues the evolution from before and promotes the atom to the excited state. For other final phases after the precession stage, the final excited-state population interpolates sinusoidally between these extreme values. We thus see that the output signal (the excited-state population) is sinusoidal in T with period 2/. Alternately, we can think of this experiment as a sort of Young double slit, but where the slits are separated in time (and thus the fringes appear as a function of frequency). Since the output signal varies between 0 and 1, we can write Pe = cos2 T 2 = 1 (1 + cos T), 2 (5. Thus, the accuracy of the comparison of the atom and field frequencies increases as T increases, as we expect.

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Acute hepatic sequestration caused by parvovirus B19 infection in a patient with sickle cell anemia cholesterol ratio 3.4 purchase fenofibrate 160mg free shipping. The approach to management depends on the specific brain manifestation of interest and the age of the patient cholesterol medication linked to alzheimer's cheap fenofibrate 160mg mastercard. Symptoms of brain ischemia include hemiparesis; visual and language disturbances; seizures (especially focal seizures); and altered sensation cholesterol medication uses cheap fenofibrate online visa, mentation cholesterol test information buy fenofibrate online, and alertness. As soon as brain ischemia is suspected, a prompt and thorough evaluation and consideration for therapy is recommended (figure 1). The usual treatment for pediatric patients in the acute stage of ischemic stroke is hydration with transfusion, although there are no controlled treatment studies. Exchange transfusion is preferred, as it avoids the theoretical risk of increasing blood viscosity that may accompany rapid elevations in hematocrit, but care must be taken to avoid hypotension that may worsen cerebral ischemia (4). Because fever increases cerebral metabolism, any degree of hyperthermia should be treated. Hypothermia to treat stroke is promising but not supported by data adequate to form a recommendation. Seizures should be treated, but prophylactic therapy or corticosteroids are not recommended. There are no proven neuroprotective therapies as yet to lessen damage or promote recovery. In the subacute phase, evaluations should be undertaken to make a final determination of the cause. Even though intracranial arterial vasculopathy is the most likely cause of stroke in this setting, consideration should be given to other etiologies that cause stroke in young persons (6). Other causes of stroke in children-such as infection, cardiac embolism, and clotting disorders including anticardiolipin antibodies- should be considered (7). While hemiparesis typically improves, cognitive deficits are often significant and long lasting; formal testing should be carried out to identify rehabilitation and educational needs. Agents such as aspirin, clopidogrel, and combination dyprimadole/aspirin are used in adults and in cases where transfusion is not undertaken. The effect of transfusion on the course and outcome of hemorrhage is not known; however, reduction of sickle hemoglobin (Hb S) to less than 30 percent of total hemoglobin is recommended. Use in this setting with young children is not approved but is reasonable on an empiric basis. The adult dosage of 60 mg orally every 4 hours for 21 days should be adjusted by weight. A child with such a presentation requires rapid but careful evaluation to rule out meningitis, sepsis, hypoxemia, drug intoxication, or other metabolic derangements. Intraparenchymal bleeding may be associated with large vessel vasculopathy, especially if a moyamoya formation is present. Younger children with velocity closer to 200 cm/sec should be rescreened more frequently. Better definition of the vasculature can be obtained with conventional angiography. Management of the hematoma includes medical control of intracranial pressure and consideration for surgical removal in selected cases, particularly if there is a large (>3 cm) cerebellar hematoma. Intraventricular Hemorrhage Intraventricular hemorrhage is unusual but may be seen in the case where fragile moyamoya vessels near the ventricular wall rupture into the ventricular space. In such cases the pediatric patient is at risk for acute hydrocephalus and death if ventricular flow is obstructed. The child should receive prompt neurosurgical evaluation for intraventricular catheter placement for drainage. After acute stabilization, evaluation of the cerebral vessels (best done by conventional angiography) should be undertaken to try to identify the underlying cause. The reduction in recurrent stroke risk is significant, but patients may still have a stroke despite adequate transfusion and low Hb S levels. If the abnormalities are severe enough, anticoagulation with warfarin should be considered. Treatment of these conditions has not been tested in randomized clinical trials but is reasonable based on pathophysiology. After several years of transfusion therapy, it may be reasonable to allow Hb S levels to rise up to 50 percent by reducing the intensity of transfusions; this has not been formally tested, however.

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