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By: H. Sulfock, MD

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On the basis of stakeholder feedback antibiotics for sinus infection during breastfeeding order misultina from india, the Board decided to include the requirement in the Codification virus 8 states cheap misultina 500 mg visa. That guidance states that if revenue is recognized upon substantial completion of the terms specified in the arrangement related to the unit of accounting at issue antibiotics for acne long term effects buy cheap misultina on line, all related costs of performance or delivery should be accrued antibiotic withdrawal symptoms order discount misultina online. The Board also observed that the cost accrual requirement only applies to items that are determined to be promises to the customer in the contract. Some items that a few stakeholders have discussed in the context of this requirement may not constitute promises to the customer and, therefore, would not be subject to the guidance in paragraph 606-10-25-16A. For example, an entity typically would not be required to accrue costs for answering general questions about a product. The operation of a call desk for general inquiries that is available broadly is an example of an activity that is not fulfilling a promise to a customer. In practice, this could be a more costly approach than the approach adopted in this Update, and the Board expects it will not significantly change the quality of the information reported to financial statement users. The guidance in paragraph 606-10-25-16 states that an implied promise in a contract with a customer may exist if a promise creates a valid expectation of the customer that an entity will transfer a good or service to the customer. Stakeholders have diverse views about whether and when Topic 606 requires shipping and handling activities (collectively referred to as shipping) that occur after the transfer of control of the good to the customer to be accounted for as a promised service or as a fulfillment activity. Under existing revenue guidance, many entities do not account for shipping provided in conjunction with the sale of their goods as an additional deliverable. Requiring shipping to be accounted for as a promised service would be a significant change in practice for many entities because shipping generally is not a deliverable under existing guidance for arrangements involving the sale of goods. At present, there are many manufacturers, retailers, and others that do not consider their arrangements to include multiple deliverables (that is, a good and a shipping service). Consequently, they do not have the systems, processes, and internal controls to account for those arrangements as multiple-element arrangements. Requiring shipping to be identified as a performance obligation separate from the transfer of the good might diminish the usefulness of the information provided to financial statement users because users may combine the two pieces of revenue for their analyses. The Board decided to provide an accounting policy election, to be applied consistently to similar types of transactions, to account for shipping as a fulfillment activity because a change in practice for entities that do not account for shipping as a deliverable under existing revenue guidance would be costly to implement and apply going forward while providing financial statement users with little or no benefit. In instances in which an entity is providing shipping along with a good, the shipping may or may not be a promised service depending on the facts and circumstances of the contract. The Board decided to provide an election that will allow an entity to account for shipping as an activity to fulfill the promise to transfer goods. The Board expects that this election will improve the operability of Topic 606 because an entity is not required to assess whether the shipping is a promised service. Furthermore, the Board expects that this election will not diminish the information provided to users of financial statements. This election is not intended to suggest that shipping that occurs after the transfer of control of a good is always a promised service. The Board decided that this should be an election, rather than a requirement, because it determined that an entity should not be precluded from accounting for shipping as a promised service if doing so would be more consistent 64 with the nature of the arrangement with a customer. The accounting policy election should be applied consistently to similar types of transactions. The Board recognized that some entities sell multiple classes of goods and the arrangements might vary significantly among those different classes of goods and therefore the policy election is not required to be made at an entity level. The Board clarified that in instances in which shipping activities are performed before the transfer of control of a good to a customer (see paragraphs 606-10-25-23 through 25-30 for guidance on satisfying performance obligations), shipping is not a promised service to the customer in the contract. Rather, shipping is a fulfillment activity, and the costs are incurred to facilitate the sale of the good to the customer. Therefore, the question as to whether shipping is an additional service in the contract is only relevant in instances in which shipping is performed after the customer has obtained control of the good. The Board considered whether the accounting policy election should be limited to shipping or whether it should be applied more broadly to other activities that may occur after an entity transfers control of the good or goods. Accordingly, it is inappropriate for an entity to apply the election by analogy to activities other than shipping, such as custodial or storage services. However, an entity should consider whether or not those other activities transfer a promised good or service to a customer in accordance with paragraph 606-10-25-17.

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New lifestyles spread diseases further New and more intense factors amplify the transmission of diseases, either because they increase contacts between people, or between animals and people. Among them are the fast and intense mobility of people, with increased transport and international travel, and greater inter-connectivity between megacities which are major transport hubs for aircraft, trains, road vehicles and ships. At the same time, globalization means increased trade among countries as well as greater movement of people within and between them. For decades, more and more people have been migrating from the countryside into cities, in search of better jobs and improved living standards. The unprecedented levels of urbanization and swelling populations of city dwellers inescapably pose greater risks of infectious disease transmission. These risks apply at least equally to densely populated areas on the periphery of cities, where rural areas overlap with them. Here, close and repeated contacts between people and livestock, domestic animals and wildlife raise the likelihood risk of new epidemics. To make matters worse, these peri-urban areas tend to be poorer, and local people have less access to health care facilities. The double jeopardy here is that their infections may go undetected and untreated, while the options for detection, prevention and control are reduced. Regrettably, the early years of the 21st century have seen many humanitarian emergencies, the massive displacement of populations fleeing from civil unrest, political instability, conflicts wars and natural disasters. Millions of people have been uprooted from their homes and become either refugees, asylum-seekers or economic migrants, and find themselves living in conditions, often overcrowded, that also increase infection risks. Potentially hazardous changes are also taking place in the use of land, agricultural practices and food production, such as live poultry and animal markets, and deforestation ­ which also leads to increased contact between people and wildlife. Some of these animals ­ monkeys, for example - are likely sources of new pathogens. Finally, ecological changes, such as climate change, also contribute to disease transmission. Other factors contribute to increase the virulence and mortality of epidemic diseases. Chief among them, as we have noted earlier, are limited access to health care, and poor health care systems that have inadequate infection prevention and control practices. The conflicts and wars referred to above not only cause civilian casualties and displacements: they destroy health care facilities exactly when and where they are most needed. These can be defined as the rapid spread of information of all kinds, including rumours, gossip and unreliable information. They are spread instantly and internationally through the growing popular use of mobile phones, social media, the internet and other communication technologies. A proliferation of web-based "experts" with diverse and often contradictory views can generate confusion, anxiety and even panic in times of serious infectious outbreaks. It can cause widespread public reluctance to adopt well-founded infection control measures promoted by health authorities ­ and thus delay essential interventions. This is why risk communication, a set of sophisticated skills, is increasingly employed by health authorities, agencies, physicians and professional health personnel. The latest and most accurate information must be conveyed frequently, and uncertainties related to an epidemic must be acknowledged in order to maintain credibility and public trust. Thus, we are recognizing that the complexity of 21st century epidemics and their prevention and control require not just new technologies techniques, but new skills and new attitudes all across the public health community. Risk communication is examined at greater length in a later section of this handbook. Measures such as quarantine, for example, once regarded as a matter of fact, would be unacceptable to many populations today. The use of antibiotics to treat infections has been a turning point in the 20th century.

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