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By: J. Sanford, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Co-Director, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

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Rupp Methodological Approaches the content and format of the theme study are shaped by a number of methodological approaches medications 4 less purchase eldepryl australia. One of four Lambda Rising bookstore locations medications ocd cheap eldepryl 5 mg online, this one was open from 1991 to January 2010 symptoms 8-10 dpo order eldepryl 5 mg. These include private residences medications vaginal dryness purchase eldepryl with amex, bars, shops, hospitals, government agencies, hotels, parks, bridges, beaches, community centers, and more (Figures 7 and 8). They transitioned from this physical location to being a virtual, on-line center only in November 2013. Springate residences, neighborhood-level location information is given instead of street addresses in order to protect the privacy of occupants. It is important that the products of the Initiative be as useful as possible for the communities they are meant to serve. Authors of the theme study have been asked to write for a general public, and to avoid (or define) technical terms that are not commonly used. See Springate (Intersectionality; this volume) for a more in-depth discussion of this topic. While there are certain content and formatting requirements for the nomination forms, there are many ways to meet these requirements. For instance, some theme study authors are historians, who start with history and incorporate place in their chapters; others are geographers who start with place and incorporate history; others are community preservationists and activists who start with the communities and incorporate history and place; and others, including journalists and museum professionals bring their own expertise and approach to the process. Authors and peer reviewers, who have self-identified as white, Latina/o, African American, mixed-race, Asian American, lesbian, gay, queer, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, male, female, and genderqueer, include graduate students, early- and later-career professors from a number of types of post-secondary institutions, community activists, journalists, and others. This "gumbo ya-ya" of multiple voices and perspectives helps ensure that multiple communities are included in the theme study. This approach should also remind potential nomination authors that advanced degrees are not required in order to do this work. Identity A key issue faced by the theme study was ensuring that how people identified themselves in the past (and identify themselves in the present) is honored. The concept of identity itself is historically situated; our modern ideas of identity have their roots in specific historical processes including state formation, colonialism, capitalism, and individualism. Voss, the Archaeology of Ethnogenesis: Race and Sexuality in Colonial San Francisco (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008), 13. Springate different than or alienated from some people, and about belonging with, or the same as, others. It is in large part because we recognize figures, emotions, and images from the past as like ourselves that we feel their effects so powerfully. Just as ideas of what identity is and how it is connected to place come out of various historical processes, the terms gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer have meaning only within certain historic and cultural contexts. The word homosexual itself was not used until the turn of the twentieth century when it was introduced and defined by the psychological profession. Some people, regardless of time period, also lived their lives quietly, hidden, or closeted, not identifying publicly as anything other than heterosexual or avoiding discussion of their private lives (Figure 9). There may also be no "proof" if same-gender individuals were intimate with each other, and our only evidence may be rumor and willful silences when being out was dangerous:61 this hearsay evidence-inadmissible in court, unacceptable to some historians-is essential to the recuperation of queer histories. The age-old squelching of our words and desires can be replicated when we adhere to ill-suited and unbending standards of historical methodology. While intimate behavior is often seen as a defining characteristic, many people knew they were (and are) gay, lesbian, bisexual, or queer before, or without ever, having sexual relationships. In addition, there may be no specific documentary evidence of intimate relationships. Bennett, "Lesbian-Like" and the Social History of Lesbianisms," Journal of the History of Sexuality 9 (2000): 1-24. Whether Addams identified as a homosexual is debated; what is clear, however, is that her relationships with Ellen Gates Starr and Mary Rozet Smith were primary in her life. Where the very definition of what it means to be lesbian, gay, queer, or bisexual is based on attraction and intimacy, sex cannot be ignored.

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The exact time window undoubtedly varies depending on the individual vascular anatomy and the nature of the vascular obstruction medications you can take during pregnancy discount 5 mg eldepryl, but evidence from trials of thrombolytic therapy indicates that it often persists for as long as 3 hours medications that cause weight loss generic eldepryl 5 mg with mastercard. The time window may symptoms bipolar discount 5 mg eldepryl overnight delivery, in fact medicine 319 purchase eldepryl australia, be longer, but by 3 hours the risk of a hemorrhage into the infarcted tissue becomes greater than the benefit from salvaging partially ischemic tissue. The mechanism for this effect is not clear, but it could result from damage to endothelium, increased expression of adhesion molecules, or glycosylation of critical proteins that lead to vasodilation. He called for paramedics and she was transported to the hospital, where a diagnosis of carbon monoxide poisoning was made. She remained first unconscious and then poorly responsive for about 10 days before recovering. When she recovered she appeared a little euphoric but was able to relate to her husband and family in perfectly logical fashion. Unfortunately, she rapidly discovered that she could not remember where she had parked her car and could not remember what she was to teach that day, although once she was involved in teaching, she was able to do relatively well. With careful preparation of lesson plans in advance and arrangements for her car to be in the same place and described to her in writing, she was able to continue to function at the community college. In fact, hypoxic preconditioning of experimental animals by exposure to moderate hypoxia of 8% to 10% oxygen for 3 hours protects against cerebral ischemia delivered 1 or 2 days later. In most situations in humans, hypoxia leads to either hypotension or cardiac arrest so that hypoxic insults are for the most part a mixture of hypoxic and ischemic injury. Pure hypoxia, such as occurs in carbon monoxide poisoning, is more likely to lead to delayed injury to the subcortical structures of the hemispheres. Typically the damage will occur 1 to several days after the patient awakens from the hypoxic episode and involves a characteristic distribution, including the posterior hemispheric white matter and basal ganglia, often leaving the patient blind and with a choreic movement disorder. A similar pattern of brain injury is seen with a variety of mitochondrial encephalopathies and deficits in carbohydrate metabolism, suggesting that the injury is due to failure of oxidative metabolism. The reason that the injury has a predilection for these sites is unknown, although the neurons in the globus pallidus have a particularly high constitutive firing rate, and this may predispose them to hypoxic injury. They are probably also involved in metabolic encephalopathies and their role, where known, is discussed in the sections below on specific encephalopathies. It has achieved a reputation as a ``date rape' drug because in lower doses it causes memory loss and sometimes delirium. Serotonin Several investigators have implicated the evolutionary very old serotonin in the pathogenesis of delirium. Because several other large amino acids, including isoleucine, leucine, methionine, phenylalanine, and tyrosine, use the same saturable carrier, they compete with one another. Thus, changes in the amino acid levels in the plasma affect serotonin metabolism in the brain. For example, recent studies suggest that ingestion of tryptophane-rich alpha-lactalbumin at bedtime improves morning alertness and brain measures of attention in normal individuals. Increased tryptophan uptake results in increased brain serotonin activity in patients with hepatic encephalopathy. A wide range of stimulant drugs (amphetamine, methylphenidate, modafinil) are antagonists of the dopamine reuptake pump, and if mice lack this dopamine transporter, the drugs do not have a stimulatory effect. The reason for this puzzling response appears to be due to the fact that the D2 receptor can be either pre- or postsynaptic. Dopamine has its major stimulatory effects via postsynaptic receptors, but the D2 receptor is also found presynaptically on dopamine terminals, where it down-regulates dopamine release. Interestingly, dopamine agonists can cause delirium, whereas dopamine blockers are often used to treat delirium. Histamine neurons in the tuberomammillary nucleus in the hypothalamus comprise a major component of the ascending arousal system. Animals with knockouts either of the gene for histidine decarboxylase, which synthesizes histamine, or the H1 receptor, which is found in the cerebral cortex, are more sleepy and do not respond to other arousing neurotransmitters such as orexin. Those H1 antagonists that are used to treat allergies and also cross the blood-brain barrier cause considerable sleepiness in humans. H2 antagonists, such as cimetidine, ranitidine, and famotidine, have, on rare occasions, been associated with delirium, particularly in the elderly.