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By: E. Akascha, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

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Would a woman have reported the snoring in Clinical Vignette 4 or would she have been too embarrassed Would "The It is likely that different life experiences based on gender fostered this misunderstanding does cholesterol medication remove plaque arteries buy lasuna in india. These are but two examples of the myriad different meanings our specific gender may incline us towards what are some cholesterol lowering foods that taste good lasuna 60 caps sale. Although metaphor is a powerful tool in listening to the patient complete list of cholesterol lowering foods purchase lasuna now, cross-cultural barriers pose potential blocks to understanding cholesterol fish oil generic 60 caps lasuna mastercard. Clinical Vignette 7 A 36-year-old black woman complained to her therapist (of the same language, race, and socioeconomic class) that her husband was a snake, meaning that he was no good, treacherous, a hidden danger. The therapist, understanding this commonly held definition of a snake, reflected back to the patient pertinent, supportive feedback concerning the care and caution the patient was exercising in divorce dealings with the husband. In contrast, a 36-year-old Chinese woman, fluent in English, living in her adopted country for 15 years and assimilated to Western culture, represented her husband to her Caucasian, native-born psychiatrist as being like a dragon. The therapist, without checking on the meaning of the word "dragon" with her patient, assumed it connoted danger, one of malicious intent and oppression. One may observe a theme for a long time repeated with a different tone, embellishment, inflection, or context before the idea of what is meant comes to mind. The "little fella" example in Clinical Vignette 3 illustrates a message that had been communicated in many ways and times in exactly the same language before the psychiatrist "got it". On discovering a significant meaning that had been signaled before in many ways, the psychiatrist often has the experience, "How could I have been so stupid The requirement for authorization for minimal visits, time on the phone with utilization review nurses attempting to justify continuing therapy, and forms tediously filled out can be blocks to listening to the patient. Limitations on the kinds and length of treatment can lull the psychiatrist into not listening in the same way or as intently. Many health benefits packages will provide coverage in any therapeutic setting only for relief of symptoms, restoration of minimal function, acute problem solving, and shoring up of defenses. In various countries, health care systems have come up with a variety of constraints in their efforts to deal with the costs of care. Unless these pressures are attended to , listening will be accomplished with a different purpose in mind, more closely Clinical Vignette 9 An army private was brought to the emergency room in Germany by his friends, having threatened to commit suicide while holding a gun to his head. He was desperate, disorganized, impulsive, enraged, pacing and talking almost incoherently. Gradually, primarily through his friends, the story emerged that his first sergeant had recently made a decision for the entire unit that had a particularly adverse effect on the patient. He was a fairly primitive character who relied on his wife for a sense of stability and coherence in his life. It was clear that, having recognized the true object of his anger, a coherence was restored that enabled him to feel his rage without the impulse to act on it. The psychiatrist then enlisted the friends in a plan to support the patient through the month and to arrange regular phone contact with the wife as she set up their new home in Germany. Hospitalization was averted, and a request for humanitarian dispensation, which would have compromised the patient in the eyes of both his peers and superiors, was avoided as well. Even more subtle regional variations may produce similar problems in listening and understanding. Clinical Vignette 8 In a family session, a psychiatrist from the South referred to the mother of her patient as "your mama", intending a meaning of warmth and respect. The patient instantly became enraged at the use of such an offensive term toward her mother. Although being treated in Texas, the patient and her family had recently moved from a large city in New Jersey. The use of the term "mama" among working class Italians in that area was looked upon with derision among people of Irish descent, the group to which the patient was ethnically connected.

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They show stronger gamma frequencies than the deep pyramidal cells that originate feedback connections cholesterol lowering foods youtube buy lasuna 60 caps visa. Buschman and Miller (2009) found that monkeys shifted the location of their attention every 40 ms as they searched for the visual target cholesterol in raw eggs 60 caps lasuna otc. Indeed cholesterol in organic free range eggs cheap lasuna 60caps line, one role for oscillations may be to coordinate complex cholesterol medication pros and cons buy lasuna amex, multistep computations. An oscillating wave of inhibition would allow computations to be temporally constrained and information to be released in a "packet" at a time when a downstream area is ready to receive it. This would cause a "discretizing" of events and explain psychophysical observations of a periodic allotment of attention (VanRullen et al. Attention appears to be allocated in discrete chunks of time and not as a continuous function that smoothly shifts from location to location. This predicts that oscillation frequencies would vary with the nature of the computation. Highly localized computations may be able to oscillate at higher frequencies while more complex, integrative, or inherently slower computations may result in slower oscillations. A purely covert search task without eye movements (as in Buschman and Miller 2007, 2009) allows faster shifts of attention and thus locking to Coordination in Behavior and Cognition 289 relatively higher (beta) frequency oscillations. By contrast, in overt attention there is a slower time constant because of the increased "overhead" of moving the eyes with each attentional shift. Under these conditions, there are stronger theta oscillations that are time-locked to the eye movements (Desimone, pers. Computations that have even less temporal overhead and that occur within more local networks might lock to even higher frequencies. For example, gamma-band oscillations have been associated with working memory, surface segregation, perceptual stimulus selection, and focused attention not requiring serial shifts of attention (see above). Computations might use the closest inherent "eigenfrequency" or resonance of the cortical network given the constraints of the computation and the demands of the task at hand. Evidence from human studies suggests that different subranges in the gamma frequency band can relate to distinct cognitive functions (Tallon-Baudry, this volume). At each trial, subjects were asked whether they had experienced the stimulus consciously. These two cognitive functions were expressed separately in distinct subfrequency ranges within the gamma range. Gamma-band oscillations related to awareness originated in lateral occipital cortex and were centered around 60 Hz. This could suggest that whenever two distinct cognitive processes have to remain segregated, gamma-band oscillations appear in a narrower frequency band, dedicated to that process, leaving other "slots" available for other concomitant processes to be implemented. In a series of studies, Brown and coworkers investigated task- and dopamine-dependent changes of neural coherence between cortex and basal ganglia structures (Brown et al. They investigated shifts in the frequency range of coherence when the patient was under different states of medication or in different behavioral states. Interestingly, treatment with the dopamine precursor levo-dopa reduced low frequency activity and resulted in a new coherence peak at 70 Hz in the gamma band (Brown et al.

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Explain to the patient that some pain may be experienced during the test cholesterol medication examples purchase genuine lasuna on-line, and there may be moments of discomfort during insertion of the scope cholesterol test for particle size purchase discount lasuna on line. The pharyngeal area is anesthetized and the endoscope with the ultrasound device attached to its tip is inserted 30 to 50 cm to the posterior area of the heart cholesterol levels by country buy lasuna 60caps amex, as in any esophagogastroduodenoscopy procedure cholesterol levels ratio lasuna 60 caps low cost. When the transducer is in place, the scope is manipulated by controls on the handle to obtain scanning that provides real-time images of the heart motion and recordings of the images for viewing. Actual scanning is usually limited to 15 min or until the desired number of image planes is obtained at different depths of the scope. Refer to the Cardiovascular System table in the back of the book for related tests by body system. The systolic phase of the cardiac cycle reflects the contraction of the myocardium, whereas the diastolic phase takes place when the heart relaxes to allow blood to rush in. Therefore, the heart will maintain a predetermined heart rate unless other stimuli are received. The monitoring of pulse and blood pressure evaluates only the mechanical activity of the heart. The impulses continue to the cardiac muscle cells by terminal fibers called Purkinje fibers. Continuous tracing of the cardiac cycle activities is captured as heart cells are electrically stimulated, causing depolarization and movement of the activity through the cells of the myocardium. Each lead records the electrical potential between the limbs or between the heart and limbs. When placing the six unipolar chest leads, place V1 at the fourth intercostal space at the border of the right sternum, V2 at the fourth intercostal space at the border of the left sternum, V3 between V2 and V4, V4 at the fifth intercostal space at the midclavicular line, V5 at the left anterior axillary line at the level of V4 horizontally, and V6 at the level of V4 horizontally and at the left midaxillary line. Chest leads (V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, and V6) record data from the horizontal plane of the heart. Place three limb bipolar leads (two electrodes combined for each) on the arms and legs. Address concerns about pain related to the procedure and explain that there should be no discomfort related to the procedure. The machine is set and turned on after the electrodes, grounding, connections, paper supply, computer, and data storage device are checked. When the procedure is complete, remove the electrodes and clean the skin where the electrode pads were applied. Recognize anxiety related to the test results and be supportive of perceived loss of independence and fear of shortened life expectancy. This procedure can evaluate responses to various stimuli, such as flickering light, hyperventilation, auditory signals, or somatosensory signals generated by skin electrodes. The procedure is usually performed in a room designed to eliminate electrical interference and minimize distractions. The test is used to detect epilepsy, intracranial abscesses, or tumors; to evaluate cerebral involvement due to head injury or meningitis; and to monitor for cerebral tissue ischemia during surgery when cerebral vessels must be occluded. Patients keep a journal of their activities and any symptoms that occur during the monitoring period. Inform the patient that the procedure is performed to measure electrical activity of the brain. Address concerns about pain related to the procedure and assure the patient there is no discomfort during the procedure, but that, if needle electrodes are used, a slight pinch may be felt. Explain that the procedure reveals brain activity only, not thoughts, feelings, or intelligence. Inform the patient that he or she may be asked to alter breathing pattern; be asked to follow simple commands such as opening or closing eyes, blinking, or swallowing; be stimulated with bright light; or be given a drug to induce sleep during the study. Instruct the patient to limit sleep to 5 hr for an adult and 7 hr for a child the night before the study. Instruct the patient to eat a meal before the study and to avoid stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine for 8 hr prior to the procedure. Under medical direction, the patient should avoid sedatives, anticonvulsants, Access additional resources at davisplus. Ensure that caffeine-containing beverages were withheld for 8 hr before the procedure, and that a meal was ingested before the study. Ensure that all substances with the potential to interfere with test results were withheld for 24 to 48 hr before the test.

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