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By: I. Darmok, M.B.A., M.D.

Professor, University of Illinois College of Medicine

Many syndromes are treated as examples of chronic pain although it is well recognized that normal healing has not occurred anxiety symptoms journal discount phenergan 25mg on-line. These include rheumatoid arthritis anxiety symptoms all day cheap phenergan 25mg with mastercard, osteoarthritis anxiety symptoms lump in throat discount phenergan 25 mg free shipping, spinal stenosis anxiety symptoms 7 year old discount phenergan 25mg on line, nerve entrapment syndromes, and metastatic carcinoma. Other less obvious failures to heal can last indefinitely (Macnab 1964, 1973); some of these lesions are not detectable even by modern imaging techniques (Taylor and Kakulas 1991) but will still give rise to persistent chronic pain. Chronic pain thus remains important, even if we must understand it slightly differently as a persistent pain that is not amenable, as a rule, to treatments based upon specific remedies, or to the routine methods of pain control such as nonnarcotic analgesics. Given that there are so many differences in what may be regarded as chronic pain, it seems best to allow for flexibility in the comparison of cases and to relate the issue to the diagnosis in particular situations. As it happens, the coding system has always allowed durations to be entered as less than one month, one month to six months, and more than six months. This is probably the best solution for the purpose of comparing data within a diagnostic category, or even between some diagnoses. Conditions have been selected where pain is prominent and pain management is also a leading problem-for example, causalgia. Sometimes, as with spinal stenosis, the main problem with the chronic syndrome is to recognize it reasonably early. Syndromes or states that do not meet one of the above characteristics are omitted. Thus, thyroiditis, which can be very painful, is not included, because its recognition and treatment are not usually problems for pain experts and do not present a major problem in acute pain management. Similarly, cerebral tumor is excluded because pain xii associated with it is not a focus of attention once the patient has consulted a physician or surgeon and the condition has been properly diagnosed. Other conditions, like facet tropism, are included because they reflect the existence of a condition that may or may not be painless. After quite protracted discussion and correspondence, it was agreed that there were a number of pain syndromes that were best seen as generalized conditions, for example, peripheral neuropathy or radiculopathy, causalgia and reflex dystrophies (now called complex regional pain syndromes), central pain, stump pain and phantom pain, and pain purely of psychological origin. The majority of pain conditions, even including some of the foregoing, have a fairly specific localization, albeit such localization may be in different parts of the body at different times. A root lesion may be anywhere along the spinal column, and postherpetic neuralgia may affect any dermatome. Nevertheless, it seemed worthwhile to divide the descriptions of pain into two groups. First a smaller one, in which there is recognition of a general phenomenon that can affect various parts of the body, and second, a very much larger group, in which the syndromes are described by location. As a result, there is some repetition and redundancy in descriptions of syndromes in the legs which appear also in the arms, or in descriptions of syndromes in abdominal nerve roots which appear in cervical nerve roots. The present arrangement has been adopted because it offers a particular advantage. That advantage stems from the fact that the majority of pains of which patients complain are commonly described first by the physician in terms of region and only later in terms of etiology. An arrangement by site provides the best practical system for coding the majority of pains dealt with by experts in the field. After thorough discussion, the original Subcommittee on Taxonomy therefore agreed that the majority of syndromes would be described in this fashion. The descriptions were elicited by sending out requests to appropriate colleagues, of whom enough replied to get this work underway. Although initially it did not begin with a request for a definition, this was added later. Each syndrome then was to be described in terms of the following items: definition; site; system involved; main features of the pain including its prevalence, age of onset, sex ratio if known, duration, severity, and quality; associated features; factors providing relief; signs characteristic of the condition; usual course; complications; social and physical disabilities; specific laboratory findings on investigations; pathology; treatment where it was very special to the case; the diagnostic criteria if possible; differential diagnosis; and finally, the code. By contrast, this volume cannot provide a guide to treatment, but where the results of treatment may be relevant to description or diagnosis they are noted. Each colleague approached was asked to exchange his or her descriptions with others who were looking at the same topics. Accordingly, the majority of descriptions-but not quite all of them-have been scrutinized by colleagues in the same field. Some have occurred, as before, because the conditions in question either have been overlooked by the senior editor or do not seem to be important.

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Causes include hypersensitivity to drugs anxiety symptoms in 13 year old buy generic phenergan 25 mg on line, viral infections (eg anxiety 9dpo phenergan 25mg for sale, hepatitis) anxiety symptoms psychology purchase phenergan toronto, and collagen vascular disorders social anxiety symptoms quiz buy discount phenergan. The most common clinical manifestation is palpable purpura, often associated with systemic symptoms, such as polyarthralgia and fever. Autoerythrocyte Sensitization (Gardner-Diamond Syndrome) An uncommon disorder of women, characterized by local pain and burning preceding painful ecchymoses that occur primarily on the extremities. However, most patients also have associated severe psychoneurotic symptoms, and psychogenic factors, such as self-induced purpura, seem related to the pathogenesis of the syndrome in some patients. Platelet disorders Platelet disorders may cause defective formation of hemostatic plugs and bleeding because of decreased platelet numbers (thrombocytopenia) or because of decreased function despite adequate platelet numbers (platelet dysfunction). Thrombocytopenia may stem from failed platelet production, splenic sequestration of platelets, increased platelet destruction or use, or dilution of platelets. However, thrombocytopenia does not cause massive bleeding into tissues (eg, deep visceral hematomas or hemarthroses), which is characteristic of bleeding secondary to coagulation disorders. Idiopathic (immunologic) thrombocytopenic purpura A hemorrhagic disorder not associated with a systemic disease, which is typically chronic in adults but is usually acute and self-limited in children. Corticosteroids and splenectomy are often effective in treating these forms of thrombocytopenia. When the drug is stopped, the platelet count begins to increase within 1 to 7 days. However, goldinduced thrombocytopenia is an exception because injected gold salts may persist in the body for many weeks. Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, the most important thrombocytopenia resulting from drug-related antibodies, occurs in up to 5% of patients receiving bovine heparin and in 1% of those receiving porcine heparin. The thrombocytopenia results from the binding of heparin-antibody complexes to Fc receptors on the platelet surface membrane. Platelet factor 4, a cationic and strongly heparin-binding protein secreted from 381 Hematology platelet alpha granules, may localize heparin on platelet and endothelial cell surfaces. Because clinical trials have demonstrated that 5 days of heparin therapy are sufficient to treat venous thrombosis and because most patients begin oral anticoagulants simultaneously with heparin, heparin can usually be stopped safely. Nonimmunologic thrombocytopenia Thrombocytopenia secondary to platelet sequestration can occur in various disorders that produce splenomegaly. It is an expected finding in patients with congestive splenomegaly caused by advanced cirrhosis. Therefore, thrombocytopenia caused by splenic sequestration is usually of no clinical importance. In addition, functional platelets are released from the spleen by an epinephrine 382 Hematology infusion and therefore may be available at a time of stress. Splenectomy will correct the thrombocytopenia, but it is not indicated unless repeated platelet transfusions are required. The thrombocytopenia has multiple causes: disseminated intravascular coagulation, formation of immune complexes that can associate with platelets, activation of complement, and deposition of platelets on damaged endothelial surfaces. Patients with adult respiratory distress syndrome also may become thrombocytopenic, possibly secondary to deposition of platelets in the pulmonary capillary bed. Platelet consumption within multiple small thrombi also 383 Hematology contributes to the thrombocytopenia. Platelet Dysfunction In some disorders, the platelets may be normal in number, yet hemostatic plugs do not form normally and the bleeding time will be long. Platelet dysfunction may stem from an intrinsic platelet defect or from an extrinsic factor that alters the function of otherwise normal platelets.

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