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By: A. Inog, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Co-Director, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Anhedonia represents an inability to take pleasure in things gastritis and gerd buy doxazosin 4mg without a prescription, and patients may complain that nothing arouses or attracts them corpus gastritis definition 2 mg doxazosin otc. Thus unable to experience pleasure gastritis water order doxazosin 4 mg with mastercard, patients lose interest in formerly pleasurable activities and must force themselves to get through their days gastritis diet 6 pack purchase cheap doxazosin, which, to them, seem desolate and lifeless. Libido is especially lost, and patients may withdraw entirely from any sexual activities. The anergia may be so extreme that patients are unable to complete routine tasks; some may even be unable to find the energy to get dressed. Examples include the premenstrual dysphoric disorder, some medication-induced depressions, and ictal depressions. In practice, most clinicians will relax the time duration in proportion to the increasing severity and number of symptoms. Etiology awaken well before the desired time of arousal and then are unable to fall back asleep. When morning finally does come, patients arise unrefreshed and exhausted, sometimes feeling as if they had not slept at all. Hypersomnia is relatively uncommon: here, patients may sleep 12, 16, or even 18 hours a day. Remarkably, despite such extremes of sleep, patients do not feel refreshed during their waking hours. Appetite is typically lost and this anorexia may be accompanied by an altered taste. Patients may complain that their food has no taste or has perhaps become unpalatable; some may say their food tastes like cardboard. Although some patients may force themselves to eat, most cannot and weight loss is typical, possibly extreme. Increased appetite is relatively uncommon but when it does occur the accompanying weight gain may be impressive. When more severe, there may be hand-wringing and restless pacing: patients may complain of being unable to keep still; they may loudly lament their fate, and some may give way to wailing and miserable pleas for help. The tension experienced by these patients may be almost palpable to the observer and yet, despite their pleas, these patients cannot be comforted no matter what is done for them. Patients may speak slowly and haltingly, and some may become mute, as if the effort to speak were simply too great; if asked, they may report that their thoughts are sluggish and come very slowly. These patients may move very little, and some may become almost completely immobile: efforts to get them up may be met with reluctance, even irritation, and some patients, if left to themselves, may neither bathe nor change their clothes. There is debate as to how many of these symptoms must be present before a syndromal diagnosis of depression is warranted. I recommend, as a preliminary approach, reserving the diagnosis for those who, in addition to a depressed mood, also have at least three of the remaining symptoms noted in Table 6. There is also debate as to the duration of symptoms before the diagnosis is given. Although it is customary to the various causes of depression are listed in Table 6. The first group includes the primary or idiopathic disorders, such as major depressive disorder: the disorders in this group account, by far, for the most cases of depression. The next group includes toxic depressions, which may be either medication induced, for example the depression seen with high-dose prednisone, or due to substances of abuse or toxins, as may be seen in chronic alcoholism. Metabolic depressions are considered next, including such disorders as obstructive sleep apnea. Medication or substance withdrawal depressions follow, and include depressions occurring upon discontinuation of long-term treatment with anticholinergic medications or as may be seen during withdrawal from stimulants. Depression may also be seen in a large number of other intracranial disorders, for example in the syndrome of post-stroke depression. Each of these groups is considered in more detail below, beginning with the primary or idiopathic disorders. It must also be kept in mind that it is not at all uncommon that in any given patient more than one disorder may be present.

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