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By: H. Volkar, M.S., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Tyler

There is insufficient evidence to make a recommendation for or against the use of medial facetectomy to improve the outcomes for patients with lumbar disc herniation with radiculopathy whose symptoms warrant surgery antiviral essential oil blend generic 200mg acivir pills amex. Grade of Recommendation: I (Insufficient Evidence) Abramovitz et al6 performed a prospective comparative study evaluating the indications for and efficacy of lumbar discectomy with or without facetectomy foods with antiviral properties buy acivir pills 200 mg fast delivery, stratified by preoperative risk factors hiv infection numbers cheap acivir pills 200mg free shipping. Outcomes were assessed at 12 months for the 740 patients included in the study hiv infection rates in nsw cheap acivir pills, with three-month data available and presented for 533 patients. Use of the operating microscope improved outcome in patients with one to two predictors of favorable outcome but worsened outcome in patients with five to six predictors. The authors concluded that risk factors based on clinical examination and history can predict outcomes following lumbar discectomy. The meaning of these findings relative to the use of the operating microscope is speculative. Epstein et al7 performed a retrospective comparative study to determine and compare indications and benefits of varying surgical approaches to far lateral lumbar disc herniation. Of the 174 patients included in the study, 73 were treated with complete facetectomy, 39 with laminotomy with medial facetectomy and 58 with intertransverse discectomy. No difference in outcomes, defined as the percentage of patients with good or excellent results, was seen between the surgical treatment subgroups. The authors concluded that the three surgical procedures yielded near comparable outcomes in patients with far lateral disc herniations. Ryang et al8 described a retrospective comparative study comparing the efficacy of lateral transmuscular and combined interlaminar/paraisthmic approach to treat lateral lumbar disc herniation. Of the 48 patients included in the study, 28 were treated with a combined interlaminar/paraisthmic approach and 20 with a lateral transmuscular approach. Outcomes were assessed between 18 and 37 months using Ebling criteria and assessing pain in the lower back, along with consideration of radicular, sensory or motor deficits. There was a statistically significant improvement in overall excellent outcomes in the lateral transmuscular group. Even though 100% of back pain resolved in both groups, the patients treated with the combined approach had a 21% incidence of new back pain. The authors concluded that a lateral transmuscular approach leads to overall better outcomes and is the preferred choice at their institution. There is insufficient evidence to make a recommendation for or against the specific surgical approach for far lateral disc herniations in patients with lumbar disc herniation with radiculopathy whose symptoms warrant surgery. Grade of Recommendation: I (Insufficient Evidence) There is insufficient evidence to make a recommendation for or against the use of tubular discectomy compared with open discectomy to improve the outcomes for patients with lumbar disc herniation with radiculopathy whose symptoms warrant surgery. Grade of Recommendation: I (Insufficient Evidence) Note: For purposes of this guideline, the work group defined tubular discectomy as a discectomy procedure in which a tubular retractor is used to access the herniation. This usually involves making a smaller incision than with a traditional open microdiscectomy procedure and involves direct visualization of the disc and or nerve roots by naked eye and or microscope/loupe magnification. Of the 328 patients included in the study, 167 were treated with tubular discectomy and 161 with conventional discectomy. During the entire follow-up period, no statistical difference was found in the Roland Morris Disability scores between the two surgical treatment groups. The authors concluded that the expected treatment benefit of faster recovery after tubular discectomy could not be demonstrated in this study. Pain and recovery rates were superior in the patients treated with conventional discectomy. This study provides Level I therapeutic evidence that conventional discectomy produces similar results to tubular discectomy in functional outcome as assessed by the Roland Morris Disability score. Recovery rate and improvement in back and leg pain are superior in patients treated with conventional discectomy with no differences in hospital stay or blood loss. There were no differences between patient groups with regard to functional outcome measures in medium and long term outcomes although there were some trends for improved pain control in the first few days after surgery in the group in the steroid group. Addition of steroid and fentanyl sponge helps towards the end of the first postoperative week, with no significance in the clinical picture, but strong correlation to better outcomes with steroid mix. There is insufficient evidence to make a recommendation for or against the application of glucocorticoids, with or without fentanyl, for short-term perioperative pain relief following decompression for patients with lumbar disc herniation with radiculopathy whose symptoms warrant surgery. Grade of Recommendation: I (Insufficient Evidence) Debi et al10 conducted a prospective randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of topical steroid application to reduce pain following lumbar discectomy. Of the 61 patients included in the study, 26 received application of a methylprednisolone collagen sponge to the decompressed nerve root and 35 received a saline collagen sponge. Of the 200 patients included in the study, follow-up data were available for 167 patients.

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