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By: L. Tufail, M.A., M.D.

Co-Director, VCU School of Medicine, Medical College of Virginia Health Sciences Division

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High-quality documentation is increasingly in demand to support many emerging health care initiatives aimed at improving care and reducing costs. Clinical documentation is necessary for supporting many health care initiatives, including improving the quality of care, lowering health care costs, measuring mortality risk and severity of illness, analyzing readmission rates, and meeting meaningful use requirements. Accurate and complete documentation is important for good patient care regardless of the code set in use. Until recently, systemic therapy has had a limited role in the management of brain metastases because of a lack of activity, challenges of blood-brain barrier penetration, the heterogeneous patient population, and a heavily pretreated patient population. Advances in the understanding of the biology of brain metastases and molecularly defined disease subsets have facilitated an emerging role of novel therapeutic agents, including targeted therapies and immunotherapy, in the management of brain metastases. One of the challenges in the development of effective therapies for brain metastases is the presence of the blood-brain barrier, a highly selective permeability barrier made of capillary endothelial cells connected by tight junctions and astrocyte foot processes that limit entry of systemic therapies into the brain. The role of systemic therapy (chemotherapy, targeted agents, or immunotherapy) in brain metastases is not well defined, because there is no level-1 evidence favoring the use of systemic therapy compared with local approaches. However, in recent years, the development of novel cytotoxic agents and targeted therapies with better blood-brain barrier penetration have increased the interest in use of systemic therapies in brain metastases. The brain metastatic process depends on the perpetuation of a perivascular niche, at least during the early steps,9 and this niche has been associated with promotion and/or maintenance of a stem-like and resistant cellular phenotype, per se, in brain tumors. The components of the blood-brain barrier (endothelial cells, pericytes, astrocytic foot processes, and/or the vascular basement membrane)10 are likely candidates to provide this supportive niche for cancer cells. Conversely, the high inefficiency of the brain metastatic process (with 95% to 99% of brain-arrested cancer cells failing to successfully grow to a macrometastasis9) raises the question of whether some of these components are more foe than friend for extravasating cancer cells in the brain. A recent report suggested that the astrocyte-produced plasminogen activator forces brain metastatic cancer cells into apoptosis and that cancer cells need to inhibit this process to survive this brain protective mechanism. The brain endothelial cell (the main cell type reacting to angiogenic growth factors produced by tumor cells) appears to be among the most promising cellular target that is emerging, as detailed in this review. These preclinical observations support the clinical evaluation of antiangiogenic agents in brain metastases therapy and prevention. Multiple small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors, such as erlotinib, gefitinib, and afatinib, are U. A number of agents that target epidermal growth factor receptor and anaplastic lymphoma kinase mutations have been effective in the treatment of brain metastases that harbor these mutations. Dabrafenib therapy resulted in a 39% intracranial response rate (29 of 74 patients in those with V600K mutations); 7% (one of 15 patients) and 22% patients (four of 18 patients) in cohorts A and B, respectively, achieved intracranial response. Three of 19 patients who had measurable brain disease achieved a partial response, and seven of 19 patients (37%) achieved at least 30% tumor regression. Vemurafenib resulted in intracranial objective response rates of 18% (16 of 90 patients) and 20% (11 of 56 patients) in cohorts 1 and 2, respectively. Global disease control (defined as complete response or partial response or stable disease) after 12 weeks as assessed by modified World Health Organization criteria was seen in 18% (nine of 51 patients) in cohort A and in 5% (one of 21 patients) in cohort B. Using the immunerelated response criteria, the response rates were 24% (13 of 51 patients) and 10% (two of 21 patients) in cohorts A and B, respectively. Eight of 51 patients in cohort A had a partial response, and four had stable disease, which provided a disease control rate in the brain of 23. The response rate in cohort B was lower, with one patient each having a partial response or stable disease in brain.

However acne 9 months after baby order cheapest decadron, the trial was discontinued early because of the registration of bevacizumab acne location order decadron 8 mg with mastercard, and therefore acne cyst decadron 4mg overnight delivery, no definite conclusions could be drawn skin care gift baskets generic decadron 4 mg fast delivery. Patients on intermittent treatment did spend less time on treatment, had substantially less toxicity, and scored better on several QoL symptom scales (but not on QoL global scales). Patients with elevated baseline platelet counts did perform poorly on intermittent treatment. The authors concluded that although noninferiority was not shown for intermittent treatment, chemotherapy-free intervals may be a treatment option for selected patients. For irinotecan-based chemotherapy, two studies investigated whether continuous treatment was superior to a defined period of treatment. In a study by Lal et al, patients with stable disease or better after eight cycles of irinotecan in second line were randomly assigned to continuation or discontinuation of irinotecan until disease progression. There was no difference in median progression-free survival or overall survival between the two treatment arms. Although these results suggest that irinotecan can be safely discontinued after eight cycles, this study was underpowered. The intermittent schedule was not inferior to continuous treatment for the primary endpoint of overall survival nor for progression-free survival or response rate. Furthermore, toxicity profiles were comparable, which is not surprising, as the toxicities of irinotecan are usually not cumulative. These data show that QoL has been investigated in only a few studies that address the benefit of intermittent compared with continuous treatment. For chemotherapy, current data do not allow a firm conclusion on the safety of a full treatment break. Oxaliplatin can be safely discontinued and re-introduced at progression of disease. This would favor its prolonged administration, which is, however, associated with a higher risk for toxicity and increased health care costs. Further support for the benefit of prolonged use of bevacizumab comes from observational studies in which investigators could decide whether or not to continue bevacizumab after disease progression on first-line treatment, with a switch in the chemotherapy regimen. In an experimental model, bevacizumab beyond progression resulted in measurable changes in the tumor proliferation and microenvironment compared to discontinuation of bevacizumab. Of note, patients were randomly selected at the start of first-line treatment, and therefore, the inclusion of patients who did not complete the first six cycles of induction therapy may have influenced the outcome. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival on maintenance treatment, which was significantly better for patients treated with both drugs. The benefit of a drug holiday with a possible detrimental effect on outcome must be weighed against the toxicity and possibly decreased QoL that is associated with continuous treatment. In case of the use of combination chemotherapy with oxaliplatin, the chemotherapy may be reduced to fluoropyrimidine monotherapy during the maintenance phase, with reintroduction of oxaliplatin on progression. As to the use of targeted therapy, current data do not support the use of maintenance treatment with bevacizumab monotherapy. Therefore, with bevacizumab being part of standard first-line treatment schedules, current data support the use of maintenance treatment with bevacizumab in combination with chemotherapy. Further studies should provide data on specific subgroups in which maintenance treatment is most effective. Survival of patients with advanced colorectal cancer improves with the availability of fluorouracilleucovorin, irinotecan, and oxaliplatin in the course of treatment. Overall survival of patients with advanced colorectal cancer correlates with availability of fluorouracil, irinotecan, and oxaliplatin regardless of whether doublet or single-agent therapy is used first line. Comparison of intermittent and continuous palliative chemotherapy for advanced colorectal cancer: a multicentre randomised trial. A randomized trial comparing defined-duration with continuous irinotecan until disease progression in fluoropyrimidine and thymidylate synthase inhibitor-resistant advanced colorectal cancer. Quality of life versus prolongation of life in patients treated with chemotherapy in advanced colorectal cancer: a review of randomized controlled clinical trials.