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By: J. Tom, M.A., M.D.

Clinical Director, University of Colorado School of Medicine

A baby is called a neonate up to four weeks in age; an infant up to 1 year; a pre-school child below 5 years; and a child and adolescent up to 16 years gastritis liquid diet safe 40 mg omeprazole. Because infants and small children have a shallow pelvis chronic gastritis gastroparesis discount 40mg omeprazole free shipping, the urinary bladder is intraabdominal gastritis diet áåòñèòè discount omeprazole 40 mg visa. The head in infants accounts for 20% of body surface chronic gastritis risk factors buy cheap omeprazole online, and this does not equal an adult proportion of 9% until the age of 14 years. The ability for gluconeogenesis is much impaired in infants, which renders them hypoglycaemic very easily in the postoperative period. An immature immune system renders them more susceptible to infection, which may manifest with nonspecific features. Children have little subcutaneous fat (hence no natural insulation) and an undeveloped vasomotor centre. The metabolic response to stress is inadequate because of the immature neurohormonal and immune systems. The effects of clotting deficiencies need to be prevented with intramuscular vitamin K. Ability to concentrate urine and conserve sodium is impaired; therefore, fluid and sodium needs are high. With meticulous attention to detail along with good pain relief, children recover more quickly than adults under similar circumstances. Minimal access surgical techniques have all the advantages, as seen in the adults; obviously, the instruments and insufflation pressures have to be tailored. B, C, E In the western world, injury is the most common cause of death and disability in childhood; most of the deaths are avoidable. The effects are far more serious because the body has less fat, less elastic connective tissue, a poor thermoregulatory system and there is proximity of vital organs to the skin. Cardiac, pulmonary, hepatic, pancreatic and splenic injury can occur without any fractured ribs or sternum. The team must be prepared to anticipate the need for immediate operation, as the child who is being observed can suddenly deteriorate. C, E An inguinal hernia in a child is indirect as it occurs in a patent processus vaginalis. In the early stages of obstruction, manual reduction under analgesia (taxis) can be attempted so that the operation can be done as an elective procedure 24 hours later to allow the oedema to settle down. However, if the infant is ill, dehydrated and toxic with a distended abdomen, strangulation is imminent or present. A congenital hydrocele is a patent processus vaginalis where the patency at the internal ring is too narrow to allow any bowel through; only normal peritoneal fluid comes into the scrotum, causing the hydrocele. If it is persistent after the age of 2 years, the persistent processus is ligated through a groin incision. A, B, D When a testis is arrested in the normal path of descent, it is called an undescended testis. On the other hand, when the testis is found at a site away from its normal path of descent, such as in the superficial inguinal pouch, root of the scrotum, or femoral triangle, it is then regarded as an ectopic testis. When the scrotum is empty but well developed, and the testis can be coaxed down into the scrotum, the infant has a retractile testis. When a testis is palpable in the line of descent and is not a retractile testis, the child requires an orchidopexy operation. This is ideally carried out before the age of 2 years, and the testis is fixed in a subdartos pouch. A maldescended testis should be brought down to prevent torsion, trauma, and infertility, and to enable earlier diagnosis of a tumour when any abnormality of a scrotal testis is much more easily identifiable. Orchidopexy does not reduce the chance of malignancy but increases the chances of early detection. Colour Doppler ultrasound, an investigation not usually carried out, to show reduced blood flow may be used, provided it does not compromise promptness of treatment. Excision is preferable because it results in early cure of the problem, while at the same time excluding the serious condition of testicular torsion.

The claudication distance is best measured by the treadmill in the vascular laboratory gastritis diet recommendations generic omeprazole 20mg on-line. C gastritis meal plan buy 10 mg omeprazole otc, D gastritis diet cure purchase omeprazole us, E Drug treatment is required for concomitant diseases such as diabetes and hypertension gastritis diet salad discount omeprazole 20mg on-line. Intervention is necessary when the symptoms of the patient are threatening the limb (critical ischaemia), livelihood and lifestyle. Depending upon the site of obstruction the procedures are aortofemoral or aorto-bi-femoral bypass, femoro-popliteal, or femoro-distal bypass. In patients with severe comorbid disease who have aortoiliac obstruction, extra-anatomic bypass graft in the form of axillo-femoral or femoro-femoral should be considered as a limbsalvage procedure. D, E Renovascular hypertension from renal artery stenosis is not always due to atherosclerotic stenosis. In the latter all other vessels would be normal, while the narrowing would be smooth and confined to the main trunk of the artery without involvement of the origin; when atherosclerosis is the cause the neighbouring vessels would be involved, including the origin from the aorta. Ischaemic colitis occurs due to atherosclerosis of the inferior mesenteric artery, causing post-prandial pain and rectal bleeding. In addition, patients may present with amaurosis fugax, sudden episodic blindness and reversible intermittent neurological deficit, and a systolic bruit in the neck. Subclavian steal syndrome occurs when there is atherosclerotic obstruction of the first part of the subclavian artery. Thoracic inlet syndrome may cause compression of the subclavian artery from a cervical rib or fibrous band. This might result in a stenosis with post-stenotic dilatation and atherosclerosis; small emboli from a thrombus get dislodged causing distal ischaemia of the hand. A, B, C, D Wet gangrene typically occurs when infection has supervened upon a part of the limb where there is tissue necrosis from vascular occlusion. Clinically crepitus is felt denoting infection from gas-forming organisms, a situation typical of diabetic gangrene. This is due to sensory loss as a result of which the patient is unaware of minor injuries, which therefore go unnoticed. Callosities form, which are a portal of entry of infection that spreads quickly along subfascial planes. It is seen in mountain climbers, the elderly and vagrants, the latter when exposed to unexpected cold spells. Cold injury damages the blood vessels, resulting in leakage of fluid and swelling with severe pain. There is blistering followed by gangrene and clear demarcation of devitalised tissue. Bedsores are a form of localised gangrene caused by pressure commonly seen in the elderly, debilitated and immunocompromised. The underlying pathology consists of the following: prolonged weight bearing mechanical shear forces on soft tissues over bony prominences increase in pressure across small vessels reduced tissue perfusion ischaemic necrosis ulceration. Attempts must be made to salvage as much tissue as possible by considering revascularisation by surgery or interventional radiology. These procedures, with a period of conservative management, might help in performing a more distal amputation. A, B the most common cause of sudden arterial occlusion is an arterial embolus, not thrombosis. Moreover, the presentation of acute thrombosis is not as acute and dramatic as that of an embolus. If acute thrombosis is diagnosed, thrombolytic therapy is not the first line of treatment in all patients. Many vascular surgeons would perform revascularisation procedures straightaway so as not lose valuable time in trying thrombolysis. An embolus, the most common cause of sudden arterial occlusion, usually originates from a mural thrombus in the left ventricle following a myocardial infarction (Figure 56. Whilst an arterial thrombus is the most common cause of an embolus, there are several causes (Figure 56. Following an embolectomy, revascularisation injury in the form of compartment syndrome is a real worry. The surgeon should be on the lookout for such a complication, the treatment for which is fasciotomy.

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