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By: P. Treslott, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

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Compliance of rectal walls gives the rectum the ability to relax to accommodate stool prostate diet discount 100 mg penegra. With aging androgen hormone numbers cheap penegra online american express, this ability to relax may diminish prostate cancer walk buy penegra 50mg with amex, leading to stool frequency or even fecal incontinence mens health 8 foods to eat everyday best 50 mg penegra. Continence is maintained by the function of two muscles: the internal sphincter, which is a nonvoluntary smooth muscle, and the external sphincter, which is a voluntary striated muscle. The internal sphincter is contracted tonically at rest, preventing the involuntary loss of stool and gas. A mild increase in the thickness of the internal anal sphincter is noted with aging (probably connective tissue) without a clear functional significance. With the loss of skeletal muscles noted with aging, a significant thinning of the external anal sphincter occurs, possibly contributing to a reduction in its pressure. Constipation is simplistically defined as having less than three bowel movements per week. Severe constipation can lead to decreased enteric motility and possibly decreased appetite and nausea, which ultimately affects nutrition. Besides ensuring that the patient received the appropriate colon cancer screening, most cases of constipation are mild and do not require an extensive workup. Excluding causes of secondary constipation requires screening for electrolyte abnormalities, hypothyroidism, and a thorough review of medications to identify anticholinergics and smooth muscle relaxants. Once this basic workup is completed, the most physiologic approach to treatment is to recommend adequate fluid and fiber intake, as there is a proportionate relation between water and fiber intake and fecal output. Cereal fibers resist digestion and retain water within their cellular structures, enhancing fecal bulking effects. Fiber found in citrus fruits and legumes stimulates the growth of colonic flora, thereby increasing fecal mass. The daily target of fiber may be hard to reach solely from dietary sources, and a fiber supplement is often necessary. Psyllium is the fiber most studied and proven to increase stool frequency, but many others are avilable. Increased physical activity may be beneficial in treating constipation by increasing propulsive movements of the colon. Increased contractile activity of the colon and rectum is known to occur half an hour after consumption of a large meal (usually more than 400 cal). If simple measures are ineffective, a small dose of a daily laxative such as sorbitol or ethylene glycol is recommended. Stimulant laxatives such as senna or bisacodyl can be used judiciously on an as needed basis. Colonic diverticulosis is another condition associated with aging and is related to poor nutritional habits. While diverticulosis is rarely seen before age 45 years, its prevalence increases to reach 80% by age 85 years. There is an association between diverticulosis and a Western diet high in refined carbohydrates and low in dietary fiber. Chronic constipation leads to increased intraluminal colonic pressure, with the resulting protrusion of the colonic mucosa through weak areas in the colonic muscle. Diverticuli are usually asymptomatic and are found incidentally during colonoscopy Nutrition and Gastrointestinal Function 461 or radiographic imaging of the colon. Prevention and treatment of uncomplicated diverticuli is accomplished by dietary changes to allow for more fibers and by preventing constipation. Furthermore, aging results in a significantly higher chance of acquiring adenomatous polyps with high-grade dysplasia. However, it is completely preventable with regular screening and removal of polyps before their malignant transformation. Colon cancer is prevalent in urban industrialized countries with poor dietary habits and significantly less prevalent in agricultural communities. A diet high in fat and red meat and low on fiber seems to be associated with colon cancer.

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Cells of the outer layer have less pigment and are modified into myoepithelial cells to form the dilator of the iris prostate jokes order penegra 50mg mastercard. The dilator of the pupil consists only of a single layer of radially arranged myoepithelial cells whose contraction increases the diameter of the pupil prostate cancer xenograft mouse model discount penegra 100 mg free shipping. The sphincter muscle consists of a circularly arranged prostate yogurt purchase penegra online from canada, compact bundle of smooth muscle cells near the pupillary margin prostate cancer 5 year survival rates purchase penegra 50mg without prescription. The iris acts as a diaphragm, modifying the amount of light that enters the eye, thus permitting a range of vision under a variety of lighting conditions. In the various shades of blue eyes, melanin is restricted to the posterior surface of the iris, whereas in gray and brown eyes melanin is found in increasing concentration within melanocytes present throughout the stroma of the iris. In albinos, melanin pigment is absent and the iris takes on a pink color due to the vasculature of the iridial stroma. Lacking photoreceptors, this area is insensitive to light and forms the "blind spot" of the retina. The layer of rods and cones represents the inner and outer segments of rods and cones. The rod outer segments appear as darker-staining rods and are more numerous than the cone outer segments. Lying between this layer and immediately adjacent to the outer nuclear layer is the external (outer) limiting membrane. The outer nuclear layer consists of the cell bodies and nuclei of the rods and cones. The outer plexiform layer consists primarily of rod spherules, cone pedicles and dendrites of bipolar neurons. The inner plexiform layer is made up of axons of bipolar neurons, dendrites of ganglion cells, and processes of amacrine cells. The structurally complex neural retina consists essentially of a three-neuron conducting chain that ultimately forms the nerve fibers in the optic nerve. The neural elements of the basic conducting chain are photoreceptors (rod and cone cells), bipolar neurons, and ganglion cells (Fig. The outer surface is in contact with the choroid; the inner surface is adjacent to the vitreous body. The posterior retina consists of an outer pigment epithelium and an inner neural retina (retina proper). The retina decreases in thickness anteriorly, and the nervous component ends at a ragged margin called the ora serrata. The thin prolongation of the retina extends anteriorly to cover the ciliary processes as the ciliary epithelium and covers the posterior aspect of the iris, where it forms the iridia retinae. The forward extension of the retina consists only of the pigmented layer and an inner layer of columnar epithelial cells; the nervous component is lacking. The neural retina is anchored only at the optic disc, where nerve fibers congregate before passing through the sclera to form the optic nerve, and at the ora serrata. Although cells of the pigment epithelium interdigitate with photoreceptor cells of the neural retina, there is no anatomic connection between the two components of the retina, and after trauma or disease, the neural retina may detach from the pigment epithelium. The exact center of the posterior retina corresponds to the axis of the eye, and at this point, vision is most perfect. Nearer the periphery of the retina, neural elements are larger, fewer, and less evenly distributed. The cytoplasm is rich in smooth endoplasmic reticulum and contains abundant glycogen. A small number of spindle-shaped glial cells also are present around ganglion cells and between axons that form the nerve fiber layer of the retina. Rod cells are long, slender cells that lie perpendicular to the layers of the retina. The scleral (outer) third of each rod, called the rod proper, lies between the pigment epithelium and the outer limiting membrane.

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Note that the responses develop more slowly at greater distances from the site of current injection prostate cancer quality indicators order penegra 50 mg visa, for reasons explained in Box C prostate urination discount penegra 50 mg fast delivery. In this case prostate cancer zyflamend order penegra 50 mg mastercard, an action potential occurs without decrement along the entire length of the axon prostate cancer 185 cheap penegra master card, which in humans Voltage-Dependent Membrane Permeability 59 (A) Stimulate Axon Current injection electrode 1 mm (B) Potential recording electrodes 0 -50 -65 0 2 Record Record Record Record Record Record Record Membrane potential (mV) 4 6 8 ms 0 2 4 6 8 ms 0 2 4 6 ms 8 0 2 4 ms 6 8 0 2 4 6 ms 8 0 2 4 ms 6 8 0 2 4 ms 6 8 (C) 25 Membrane potential (mV) 0 -25 -50 -65 -0. How, then, do action potentials traverse great distances along such a poor passive conductor? The answer is in part provided by the observation that the amplitude of the action potentials recorded at different distances is constant. This all-or-none behavior indicates that more than simple passive flow of current must be involved in action potential propagation. A second clue comes from examination of the time of occurrence of the action potentials recorded at different distances from the site of stimulation: Action potentials occur later and later at greater distances along the axon (Figure 3. Thus, the action potential has a measurable rate of transmission, called the conduction velocity. The delay in the arrival of the action potential at successively more distant points along the axon differs from the case shown in Figure 3. The mechanism of action potential propagation is easy to grasp once one understands how action potentials are generated and how current passively flows along an axon (Figure 3. A depolarizing stimulus-a synaptic potential or a receptor potential in an intact neuron, or an injected current pulse in an experiment-locally depolarizes the axon, thus opening the voltage-sensitive Na+ channels in that region. The opening of Na+ channels causes inward movement of Na+, and the resultant depolarization of the membrane potential generates an action potential at that site. Some of the local current generated by the action potential will then flow passively down Figure 3. The amplitude of the action potential is constant along the length of the axon, although the time of appearance of the action potential is delayed with increasing distance. Therefore, it is worthwhile understanding in quantitative terms how passive current flow varies with distance along a neuron. As evident in this relationship, the length constant is the distance where the initial voltage response (V0) decays to 1/e (or 37%) of its value. The length constant is thus a way to characterize how far passive current flow spreads before it leaks out of the axon, with leakier axons having shorter length constants. The length constant depends upon the physical properties of the axon, in particular the relative resistances of the plasma membrane (rm), the intracellular axoplasm (ri), and the extracellular medium (r0). The relationship between these parameters is: = rm r0 + ri Hence, to improve the passive flow of current along an axon, the resistance of the plasma membrane should be as high as possible and the resistances of the axoplasm and extracellular medium should be low. Another important consequence of the passive properties of neurons is that currents flowing across a membrane do not immediately change the membrane potential. For example, when a rectangular current pulse is injected into the axon shown in the experiment illustrated in Figure 3. These delays in changing the membrane potential are due to the fact that the plasma mem- 1. A current pulse injected at one point in the axon (0 mm) produces voltage responses (V) that decay exponentially with x distance. The distance where the voltage response is 1/e of its initial value (V0) is the length constant. Note that this passive current flow does not require the movement of Na+ along the axon but, instead, occurs by a shuttling of charge, somewhat similar to what happens when wires passively conduct electricity by transmission of electron charge. This passive current flow depolarizes the membrane potential in the adjacent region of the axon, thus opening the Na+ channels in the neighboring membrane. The local depolarization triggers an action potential in this region, which then spreads again in a continuing cycle until the end of the axon is reached. Thus, action potential propagation requires the coordinated action of two forms of current Voltage-Dependent Membrane Permeability 61 Current (nA) +1 -0 -1 1. Thus, the time constant characterizes how rapidly current flow changes the membrane potential. The membrane time constant also depends on the physical properties of the nerve cell, specifically on the resistance (rm) and capacitance (cm) of the plasma membrane such that: = rmcm the values of rm and cm depend, in part, on the size of the neuron, with larger cells having lower resistances and larger capacitances. In general, small nerve cells tend to have long time constants and large cells brief time constants.

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