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By: M. Hamid, M.B.A., M.D.

Deputy Director, University of Oklahoma College of Medicine

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As populations and incomes expand diabetes type 2 ketoacidosis buy cheap metformin 500 mg on line, and the impacts of climate change are increasingly felt blood sugar solution 10 day detox diet order metformin 850 mg line, competition for water is expected to intensify diabetic diet type 1 buy online metformin,18 blood sugar below 50 purchase discount metformin online, 19 especially in low-income and lower-middle-income countries. In least developed countries and landlocked developing countries, agriculture also represents around 90 percent of total water withdrawals. International talks among water 10 and irrigation ministers from Eg ypt, Ethiopia and the Sudan, with observers attending from South Africa, the United States of America and the European Union aim to prevent international conflict. The obser vation that diets change as countries develop economically is well recognized and associated with increasing wealth, access to cheaper food, expansion of global food markets and urbanization. Such changes inf luence future agricultural water demand because, as ref lected in Table 1, livestock products and oils require more water than do cereals, starchy roots, fruits and vegetables. The fourth column shows that livestock products require substantially more water for one tonne of product, and per calorie, than do crops. The only exception are nuts, which, after beef and goat meat, consume the most water per tonne. For beef, the water requirement is considerably higher, indicating that differences across livestock production are also important, while butter and oil crops have a relatively small water footprint per gram of fat. In purely "accounting" terms, from a freshwater perspective, it is often more efficient to obtain calories, protein and fat through crop products than through livestock. These are averages over all t ypes of water use, across production systems and regions where nutritional challenges differ greatly. In low-income countries, the qualit y of proteins and bioavailabilit y of nutrients from different foods will be crucial to avoiding malnutrition. High-income countries increasingly overconsume livestock products, putting additional pressure on water resources. A meta-analysis of 63 publications on the water footprint of various diets in high-income countries found that reducing consumption of animal-based foods in Western diets could reduce water use by 18 percent. Estimates are often ver y context-specific and cannot be generalized because of differences in feed used between and within species and production systems. Part of the water footprint of animal production in Table 1 is associated with rainfall on pastureland, often not convertible to cropland, thus making livestock the only option for using rainfall for food production, improving water-use efficiency. The conclusions of these studies should be viewed with caution, and any g uidance should be context-specific and consider the dietar y status of a population, and specific water constraints faced by producers, combined with the viabilit y of different land uses. Table 1 does not include seafood as there is ver y little analysis of water use in its production. Fish are an important source of proteins, healthy 12 fats and nutrients, playing a crucial role in nutrition. In China, the blue and green water (see Glossar y) footprint of freshwater aquaculture associated with feed and evaporation ranges from 3 349 m 3 to 21 215 m 3 per tonne of product. For capture fisheries, consumptive freshwater use is negligible, but adequate water is still essential. For inland fisheries, which provide dietar y diversit y and underpin food securit y and nutrition in some areas, water volumes and timing depend largely on context and species. As incomes rise, populations are expected to move towards more land- and water-intensive diets, in particular through consumption of more meat and dair y products. In all three countries, this led to an increase in daily water consumption of more than 1 000 litres per capita, for a combined population of 3 billion people in 2019, proving that dietar y transition plays a strong role in shaping water demand in agriculture. Healthy diets that include sustainabilit y considerations at the food systems level can reduce the associated water consumption. Rural access to water is particularly uneven owing to physical and/or economic constraints for small-scale farmers. Small farms of less than 2 hectares make up the majority of farms both worldwide (84 percent) and especially in low-income and lower-middle-income countries. In sub-Saharan Africa, water is present but scarce without the capital to access it, 37 although expanding small-scale irrigation can be profitable and benefit between 113 million and 369 million rural people. Their labour burden exceeds that of men, as they have more unpaid household responsibilities, such as water and fuel collection and food preparation. Fetching water can be dangerous for women and girls, exposing them to the risk of violence. Irrigation can allow women greater participation in income-generating, caregiving and social activities. Water professionals, extension staff and decision makers still fail to perceive women as farmers 43 and often overlook the knowledge, workload and needs of women and the most v ulnerable groups. In many countries, as indicated in the 2015 report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Securit y and Nutrition, decisions in water-use sectors are often taken by separate departments with "little consideration for the cumulative impacts of water.

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