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By: D. Will, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

Vice Chair, Indiana Wesleyan University

Humanitarian sector In humanitarian and conflict settings medicine video discount generic neurontin uk, field experience has shown that staff are implementing basic psychosocial interventions for children who have experienced sexual abuse in treatment 2 purchase neurontin 400 mg online, including supportive counselling during the case management process 5 asa medications generic neurontin 600 mg line. However medicine 5658 buy cheap neurontin 400mg, many field staff are not trained mental health experts and have limited knowledge and skills to assess and respond to children who have experienced trauma. A number of examples of comprehensive care for war-affected women and girls exist, providing medical services, reproductive health care, psychosocial counselling and referral and advocacy. Qualitative and context relevant research directly involving young survivors has provided important insights that can be used to develop more effective responses. As recovery can begin from the first point of contact with services, health and other related professionals should be trained in responding sensitively to children and adolescents. Children and adolescents who have been sexually abused and exploited require individually tailored, comprehensive services providing a package of multi-sectoral support to cater for basic needs for food, shelter, safety, medical care to emotional, practical and social support that will enable recovery and reintegration into communities. Improved multi-sector cooperation and good case management is needed to bring together responses in health, law, child protection, education and employment especially. This is especially the case for vulnerable children and adolescents leaving residential services. More attention needs to be given to the safety and risks of further harm to young people, from adults and peers, in different organisations including residential services. School staff, especially teachers who see children daily, have an important part to play in child protection and supporting the recovery of child and adolescent victims of sexual abuse and exploitation. Services that provide qualifications and skills for employment and follow up support in the community are preferred by survivors. Play and creative therapies may be more suitable for younger children and those with limited communication. For a sexually abused person this might, for instance, involve looking at the self-critical and harmful coping behaviours a young person may have by analysing 172 Ending Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation: A Review of the Evidence Contents Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 8 Section 9 References these, helping the young person to recognise triggers and develop cognitive skills to counteract the negative thoughts. Play therapy is often used for younger children between the ages of 3 to 11 as a method for communicating with the child about feelings and experiences and facilitating their understanding and recovery. The evidence review also highlights areas where having different and more specific strategies for child sexual abuse and exploitation are needed alongside those currently recommended for violence against children in general. Drawing it all together In drawing together messages from the review there were three key criteria: 1. Although it was necessary to review available evidence from single issue interventions (such as teaching children in elementary schools about bodily safety) and combined interventions (such as life skills, gender social and economic empowerment programmes) the aim was to identify a combination of strategies that together might bring system change. Three rounds of consultations took place online to give expert feedback on the Theory of Change, the findings from the evidence review and on the draft summary for policy makers. A theory of change takes a structured and outcome focused approach to defining in context the problem and what needs to change, identifying the barriers to change, the processes for overcoming these, the anticipated outputs and outcomes. It can be used to aid description, to get agreement about the process of change, to aid planning and the evaluation of outcomes. It can also be linked to sources of evidence which can be useful in trying to improve evidence informed approaches. Each step in the process can be shown in a diagram which can be a useful starting point for dialogue and consultation when developing responses in different contexts with relevant partners and stakeholders. It draws on socio-ecological theory, recognising that actions to end all forms of violence against children need to address individual, relationship, community, organisational and structural risks and drivers that contribute to violence. Reading from the bottom of the diagram to the top level, it sets out in an accessible manner common challenges in responding to child sexual abuse and exploitation, identified from the evidence review, and a range of evidence-based strategies and anticipated outcomes to address these. It is assumed that that change must be internally driven and that child, family and community level knowledge and expertise will be essential for understanding the problem and responding to the challenges in specific contexts, and for boys and girls. Responses and priorities for action may differ for different forms of sexual abuse and exploitation against children in different contexts. For example, the diagram could be used as a basis for discussion and review by children and other stakeholders who prioritise taking action against the sexual abuse of children within the family by relatives or trusted adults and peers.

Technique of percutaneous drainage of pancreatic pseudocyst; A treatment tinea versicolor purchase 600mg neurontin otc, before; and B medicine woman cheap neurontin 600mg online, after medicine buddha mantra generic neurontin 800 mg on-line. During percutaneous drainage treatment narcolepsy buy 100 mg neurontin with amex, a needle is inserted through both gastric walls while the position of the catheter is monitored with a gastroscope or fluoroscope. Pseudocyst drainage into the stomach may be facilitated by placement of a double-pigtailed catheter. Alternately, an indwelling J-shaped catheter (Figure 28) facilitates external drainage and may be used in cases where pseudocyst contents are viscous. These methods are less invasive than surgery and provide an alternative for patients who are at high risk for surgical management. Pancreatic Necrosis Pancreatic necrosis is a significant complication of acute pancreatitis, and may result in mortality rates as high as 15%. Whatever the mechanism of acute pancreatitis, in necrotizing pancreatitis, there is obstruction of the pancreatic microcirculation (Figure 29). Pancreatic necrosis Infection Prevention Larger, controlled studies are needed to ascertain the effectiveness of prophylactic lavage and antibiotic therapy for the prevention of infection in patients with acute pancreatitis. Peritoneal lavage with 50 L/day and long-term lavage have been used in patients with severe necrosis to prevent infection. Ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, imipenem, and metronidazole have been shown efficacious in infection prevention, although a combination of antibiotics may be most beneficial. Monomicrobial infection is uncommon but successfully treated, whereas the more frequent finding of polymicrobial infection is more resistant and leads to a poorer prognosis. Treatment Treatment of infected pancreatic necrosis depends on the pattern and anatomic location. Surgical debridement of necrotic tissue or percutaneous drainage comprise the treatment options. Surgical debridement of infected tissue found early in the course of pancreatitis reduces mortality rates. Pulmonary Involvement Fluid accumulation within the pleural space with resultant lung compression, and respiratory distress syndrome are serious complications of pancreatitis. Acute pleural fluid collection, pancreatic-pleural fistula, and effusions may result from acute inflammation of the pancreas. Most often, pleural effusions spontaneously resolve; however, thoracentesis is suggested in the face of respiratory compromise or infection. Respiratory support with peritoneal lavage has been shown to improve lung function in patients with severe adult respiratory distress syndrome. Other Complications Renal dysfunction may accompany acute pancreatitis by direct extension of inflammation to the kidney. Erosion of vascular structures by abscesses or pseudocysts may cause gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Extension of pancreatic inflammation may also lead to colonic strictures, fistulas and perforation. The inflammatory process may lead to splenic vein thrombosis or pseudocyst formation in the spleen (Figure 30). Splenectomy (Figure 31) is the preferred treatment for splenic vein thrombosis, pseudoaneurysm, or rupture. However, before a control plan can be pursued, a stable veterinary infrastructure and system for animal identification must be in place. While the resources allocated to developing this infrastructure can be greater than the capital of product preserved after an effective Brucella control plan is established, it is important to note that this is essential for decreasing the incidence of all livestock and zoonotic diseases. Therefore, this cost can be distributed and analyzed alongside all diseases that affect livestock productivity in a region of interest. Furthermore, forgone revenue related to brucellosis includes trade restrictions from areas endemic with B. Overview of brucellosis impact in humans where it is endemic We used the framework proposed by Jo (2014) [14] to assess the impact of endemic brucellosis in human populations. Direct costs include healthcare costs, or medical expenditures for the diagnosis, treatment and management of clinically-ill patients, and non-healthcare costs, or those that provide a patient with access to care [14].

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Of the girls that used the skills symptoms kennel cough neurontin 400mg online, 49% used verbal defense skills only medicine 1975 lyrics purchase 100mg neurontin with amex, 13% used physical defense skills only symptoms 7 weeks pregnancy order neurontin 600mg without prescription, and 38% used a combination of verbal and physical skills (Decker et al symptoms strep throat cheap neurontin 600mg mastercard, 2018). The boys programmes aim to address negative attitudes towards women and equip boys with skills to intervene against gender based violence. As full anonymity was given to children and young people who completed the self report surveys for these studies, it was not possible to analyse change at the level of individual children. Some systematic reviews of these programmes conclude that these programmes show changes in attitudes but little evidence of impact on behaviour (Fellmeth et al. Looking at 140 programmes and policy to prevent perpetration of sexual violence, DeGue et al (2014) found only two primary prevention programmes (Safe Dates and Shifting Boundaries, discussed later) had positive evidence of impact. Dating violence prevention programmes have been found to be more effective if they are interactive (Heppner et al. There is also some evidence that these programmes may be more effective for men if delivered in single-gendered groups (Brecklin and Forde, 2001; Colombini et al. Safe Dates is a multi-component prevention programme designed for middle and high school students. The evaluation studies found reductions in physical violence, psychological abuse and sexual abuse for up to four years after completion of the programme. Dating Matters aims to address unhealthy relationship behaviours and reduce the risks of gender-based violence by delivering a multi component programme for children of different ages, parents, teachers and school staff. Forty six schools in low income and high risk areas were randomly assigned to receive the intervention, Dating Matters, or the control/standard condition Safe Dates. Both programmes were delivered in the schools for four consecutive years, those providing Safe Dates alone delivering the programme to children just in grade 8 each year, while Dating Matters was delivered each year for grades 6, 7 and 8. Risks of perpetration and victimisation were found to be significantly lower in the groups exposed to Dating Matters compared with those exposed only to Safe Dates (Niolon et al, 2019). Studies of behavioural change which aim to encourage men and boys to challenge norms that support gender-based violence, as in bystander programmes, show limited findings regards sexual violence prevention (Miller et al, 2012; Jouriles et al, 2019). Sexual abuse/harassment by educators is widespread in many parts of the world (Antonowicz, 2010). Whole school approaches for addressing gender-based violence are developing worldwide. Such approaches aim to challenge entrenched attitudes that support gender inequality and violence (including sexual education with hot spot and situational crime prevention, interventions with perpetrators and providing resources for young people who experience victimisation in schools (Taylor et al, 2013). The curriculum for the classroom programme focuses on the legal consequences of dating violence, gender equity and healthy relationships and is supported by a building-based intervention where students and teachers identify "hot spots" where violence and harassment are often perpetrated and increase adult supervision in these places. The buildingbased interventions also allow for students to receive temporary restraining orders (called respecting boundaries agreements) and include posting signs about sexual harassment (Taylor et al. In a cluster-randomized trial with 20 schools and more than 2,500 students, schools were randomly assigned to receive the building and classroom programme, the classroom programme alone, the building intervention alone, or neither. Students who were exposed to both the classroom-based and building-based interventions reported lower incidence of sexual harassment and sexual violence perpetration and victimisation. The building-based intervention alone was also effective at reducing sexual harassment perpetration and victimisation and sexual violence perpetration (but not victimisation); the classroom-based intervention alone was not effective at reducing violence or harassment (Taylor et al. However, a higher level of saturation for programme delivery (not limiting the curriculum to just one school grade) led to reduced rates of sexual harassment (Taylor, Mumford & Stein, 2017). Other whole school, approaches have included training teachers to change their attitudes and prevent teacherpupil sexual abuse. There are promising findings from whole school violence prevention programmes such as the Good Schools Toolkit, trialled in Uganda (Devries et al, 2015; 2017). The evaluation found significant reductions in overall violence in the past week and the past term for boys and girls in the intervention group, with larger changes for boys observed. The findings on preventing sexual violence however are rather limited due to lower rates of reporting these experiences at baseline and at end of study. There are a variety of different approaches from microfinance payments such as small loans, conditional or unconditional cash transfers, payments in kind such as livestock or resources to set up a business, public works or vouchers or fee waivers (Peterman et al, 2017). The schemes are often combined with community based vocational and life skills training. De Walque et al, 2012), some including girls from the age of 15 years, and primarily aim to address gender inequity, with some including prevention of intimate partner abuse. Micro finance has been found to have positive outcomes for preventing/reducing levels of intimate partner victimisation for adult women in Guatemala (Cepeda, Lacalle-Calderon & Torralba, 2017).

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Diagnostic and detection assays have been developed that can decrease detection times down to the range of minutes medications used to treat bipolar order 400 mg neurontin amex. Molecular diagnostics are based on the detection of specific nucleic acids characteristic of the infectious disease agent symptoms 6 days before period due discount neurontin online visa. Amplification techniques take tiny amounts of nucleic acid material and replicate them many times through enzymatic reactions medications an 627 purchase neurontin 300 mg without prescription, some that occur through cycles of heating and cooling symptoms als purchase neurontin. These techniques may bring more ambiguity on interpreting the results of the assays. Unlike cultured microbial agents, which can provide definitive results, immunodiagnostic and molecular diagnostic assays have various levels of false-positive and false-negative results. Discerning false-positive and false-negative results from true results becomes a risk management effort, aided by different levels of identification to express the degree of confidence associated with various testing methodologies. The typical infection and response time course begins with the initial pathogen encounter and leads to the formation and maintenance of active immunological memory (IgM and IgG) where serological detection is useful. Clinical disease, however, typically occurs around days 3 to 5 where detection of the infectious agent is possible. Often, by the time clinical disease is manifest, especially for the biological threat agents, clinical intervention to ensure survivability is not as effective as desired. To provide the most effective medical intervention on infectious agents, the closer to time 0 laboratory data is available, the more successful the outcome. Sentinel laboratories represent the thousands of community based hospital laboratories that have direct contact with patients and may be the first to spot atypical infectious disease presentations. Sentinel laboratories do not actually confirm the presence of biological agents but rather are trained to recognize and appropriately handle biological agents that could potentially be extremely dangerous pathogens. These reference laboratories perform standardized tests to detect, and typically confirm, the presence of biological agents that may represent a biological threat. Military Military identification levels differ from the civilian system in two specific aspects: 1. Current military doctrine includes four levels of identification (presumptive, field confirmation, theater level validation, and definitive) based, in part, on what level or what unit does the testing; and 2. Testing algorithms are based on the concept of testing for biological markers (biomarker) rather than culturing the specific agents. B anthracis exists as both a vegetative cell and as an environmentally stable spore. Whereas immunoassay and nucleic acid analysis can be used for diagnostic confirmation, culture is required for confirmation. Gram-positive rod; spore-forming; aerobic; nonmotile catalase positive; large, gray-white to white; nonhemolytic colonies on sheep blood agar plates. Differentiating the human pathogenic species from the other brucellae, however, is not easy and requires several growth and biochemical determinations. Immunoassay and nucleic acid assays are currently not helpful in distinguishing the pathogens from the nonpathogens. As part of their environmental saprophytic lifestyle, the Burkholderia are complex organisms that are readily culturable, but often display colony morphology variations that confound routine microbiological analysis. Biochemical differentiation, including gentamicin and polymyxin susceptibility, determination of arginine dihydrolase and lysine decarboxylase, and arabinose fermentation are required for differentiation and confirmation. Culture in eggs or cells has previously been required so routine laboratory diagnostics are not common. Although highly infectious, C burnetii is typically not fatal and often serology is used for diagnosis. Direct fluorescent antibody and nucleic acid assays are often used for presumptive and confirmatory diagnostics. Until recently, F tularensis type A or B was restricted to the Northern Hemisphere where F tularensis type A or B is common in North America, but only F tularensis type B is typically found in Europe and Asia. F tularensis is relatively easy to grow and growth is required for confirmation, typically by the direct fluorescent antibody assay. Extremely small, pleomorphic, gram-negative coccobacilli; nonspore forming; facultative intracellular parasite; nonmotile; catalase positive opalescent smooth colonies on cysteine heart agar. Y pestis has several plasmids that confer various virulence traits and are useful diagnostic assay targets, but the plasmids are promiscuous and can be found in non-Y pestis causing the potential for false-positive assays.