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By: I. Kamak, M.A., M.D.

Clinical Director, Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine

Because the renal tubules fail to reabsorb pentose or fructose antibiotic diarrhea treatment discount azrolid online amex, these sugars antibiotic resistance gmo order azrolid 100 mg otc, spill over into the urine antibiotic jaundice azrolid 100 mg generic. Ketones: Ketonuria occurs in diabetes mellitus when cellular energy needs exceed available cellular glucose antibiotics good or bad azrolid 100 mg fast delivery. Ketone bodies - the end products of incomplete fat metabolism - accumulate in plasma and are excreted in the urine. Ketonuria may also occur in starvation states and in conditions of acutely increased metabolic demand associated with decreased food intake, such as diarrhea or vomiting. Cells: Hematuria indicates bleeding within the genitourinary tract and may result from infection, obstruction, inflammation, trauma, tumors, glomerulonephritis, renal hypertension,-lupus nephritis, renal tuberculosis, renal vein thrombosis, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis, scurvy, malaria, parasitic infection of the bladder, subacute bacterial endocarditis, polyarteritis nodosa, and hemorrhagic disorders. Numerous white cells in urine usually imply urinary tract inflammation, especially cystitis or pyelonephritis. Casts: (plugs of gelled proteinaceous material [high-molecular-weight mucoprotein]): Casts form in the renal tubules and collecting ducts by agglutination of protein cells or cellular debris, and are flushed loose by urine (low. Hyaline casts are associated with renal parenchymal disease, inflammation, and trauma to the glomerular capillary membrane; epithelial cast, with renal tubular damage, nephrosis, eclampsia, amyloidosis, and heavy metal poisoning; coarse and fine granular cast, with acute or chronic renal failure, pyelonephritis, and chronic lead intoxication; fatty and waxy cast, with nephrotic syndrome, chronic renal disease, and diabetes mellitus; red blood cell cast, with renal parenchymal disease, renal infarction, subacute bacterial endocarditis, vascular disorders, sickle cell anemia, scurvy, blood dyscrasias, malignant hypertension, collagen disease, and acute inflammation; and white blood cell cast, with acute pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, pyogenic infection, and lupus nephritis. Crystals: Some crystals normally appear in urine, but numerous calcium oxalate crystals suggest hypercalcemia. Other components: Yeast cells and parasites in urinary sediment reflect genitourinary tract infection, as well as contamination of external genitalia. Yeast cells, which may be mistaken for red cells, can be identified by their ovoid shape, lack of color, variable size, and frequently, signs of budding. The most common parasite in sediment is Trichomonas vaginalis, a flagellated protozoan that commonly causes vaginitis, urethritis, and prostatovesiculitis. People who grow and eat commercial produce tend to think that this is a lot of hogwash. I had decided a long time ago that whenever I could avoid pesticide exposure I would. I chose to eat organically grown foods because I reasoned that they were likely to be safer, considering especially the inadequacy of testing in the U. But, imagine with me for a moment what it might be like if pesticides were no longer a problem. Envision, if you will, a world in which consumer preference has eroded the market for foods grown with toxics. To learn more, we must return to an unsettled argument about the different effects of pure chemical fertilizers versus organic composts. Department of Agriculture has maintained that there is no discernible difference between conventional and organic produce9 while organic growers have maintained that theirs is better. In all these experiments, animals fed organically fertilized foods outperformed those fed chemically fertilized foods. It has been established as scientific fact that plants derive nutrients from the soil. They used vitamin B replacement to correct the poor health of rats fed "artificial seed", and proposed that such seed may be lacking in vitamin B. Best experiments To my knowledge, the only scientific experiments of adequate design and sufficient duration to address questions regarding the composition of organic vs. In 1974, after thirty-six years of research comparing the soils and plant products of organic compost fertilization with those of chemical fertilizers, Schuphan published findings and conclusions based on a 12-year comprehensive experiment. That translation (in an otherwise generally excellent journal), with its frequently jabberwocky syntax could certainly have proved daunting to even their fine intellects. I found the going very rough, bur after some fretting and frustration over identification of idioms and grammatic intent, meaning surfaced gradually in the murky translation. Strong study designs Knorr has written intelligently regarding the collective shortcomings of the majority of efforts to compare plant products of different methods and materials of fertilization. He has pointed31 to three weaknesses common to most studies comparing organic and conventional agricultural systems" 1) the insufficient duration of the studies (most are only one or two years), 2) the choice of pots of plots instead of comparing whole systems (separate farms), and 3) the use of fresh weight (which is quite variable) with emphasis on yield and food quality (organoleptic tests for taste and smell), instead of more accurate dry weights and essential nutrient assays. Measurements of nutrient content for potatoes represent date collected from 104 separately planted plots. Rather than fresh (wet) weight, Schuphan used dry weight to measure yield, and conducted nutrient assays, soil tests, humus evaluations, and, importantly, toxicology tests. Allaway called in 197532 for strong study designs and replications with emphasis on the inherent deficiencies in some soils.

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