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By: L. Pavel, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Vice Chair, Louisiana State University

Note: the expression is not equivalent in meaning to the phrase out of the game-(of a sportsman) remaining out of play during a game: I was out of the game and useless arteria nasi externa order generic valsartan pills. Note: the expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase on the rack-tormented by anxiety blood pressure medication young cheap valsartan line, worry blood pressure juicing 160 mg valsartan mastercard, etc heart attack 80 blockage buy valsartan 40 mg fast delivery. Note: the expression does not correlate in meaning with the compound thanksgiving-1. Note: the expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase in large measure-(also: in large part) to a considerable extent: Public - and in large measure also independent - education in the United States has undergone a process of secularization. Note: a) the expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase on the drawing board- under preparation: A plan is now on the drawing board to build new schools in remote areas. Note: the expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase in commission-1. Note: the expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase on the lines-(also: along the lines) following a certain pattern or trend: Treatment will be given on the lines prescribed in this book. Note: the expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase on the arm-(U. Note: the expression does not fully correlate in meaning with the phrase to order- = on order 2: Most of the items displayed are manufactured to order only. Note: the expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase on tenterhooks- in a state of suspense or strain because of uncertainty: Dealers said the market was on tenterhooks about the size of the German rate cut. Note: the expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase on the sidelines- used of smb. For ten months of each year he stayed on the wagon; twice a year, regularly, he fell off, sometimes with doleful consequences on the job. Note: the expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase in the cart-(coll. Note: the expression does not fully correlate in meaning with the phrase on the chopping block- = on the block 2: Our whole future is on the chopping block now. Every month, 12 Melbourne families are shifting to Ballarat alone for a better lifestyle. Note: None of the expressions correlates in meaning with the phrase on the other side-used with reference to the world beyond the grave (as inhabited by the spirits): Are they still obese on the other side Note: the expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase in a tick-(coll. Note: the expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase with wings-(coll. Note: the expression does not fully correlate in meaning with the phrase at the top of something-1. Note: the expression is not antonymous in meaning to the phrase on the right side of the hedge- on the advantageous or winning side: the French thought themselves on the right side of the hedge, but it proved otherwise. Note: Neither expression fully correlates in meaning with the phrase on the uppers-(sl. Note: a) the expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase these days-nowadays; at present: these days candidates send swarms of advance men into every city before they arrive. Note: Neither expression correlates in meaning with the phrase one by one- one after another: I found these group ward rounds more efficient and also more enjoyable than seeing patients one by one. Charlie Luciano - now nicknamed Lucky on account of a one way ride that he came back from. Note: the expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase let someone have it-(coll. Note: the expression does not fully correlate in meaning with the phrase life history-1. Note: the expression is not equivalent in meaning to the phrase hard-luck story-1. Note: the expression is not equivalent in meaning to the phrase open to question- used of statements, assertions, etc. Note: the expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase up about something-(coll. George, the -an English civil order of knighthood instituted in 1818: He was made Knight Commander of the Order of St. Note: Neither expression correlates in meaning with the phrase other side, the-the world beyond the grave (as inhabited by the spirits): Are they still obese on the other side Note: the expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase up in the blue- aboard an aircraft; in flight: If only you could know how happy I am when I fly a plane!

We have been reinventing our tools blood pressure chart by age nhs generic valsartan 80mg overnight delivery, but each time based on revisiting the model as to who develops the tool blood pressure medication itchy scalp order valsartan uk, how it is distributed blood pressure medication with a b cheap valsartan 160mg, where it is run heart attack quiz best buy for valsartan, how much control the researcher has, who is responsible for it, and whether it is research itself. I suspect we are going to keep on reinventing this wheel and experimenting with models as the community matures, but the time may have come for a die-o and rationalization that leaves us with fewer, but better maintained models. My intent was not to declare gotcha, but to draw attention to the dening conversation we have to have. Infrastructure is not as That the turn to infrastructure is political; that it involves redening what is My point is that we should do it I would go so far as to say that thoughtfully, cognizant of what we may lose and the costs to research. We need to support prototyping in order to test risky models before massive investment. Such experiments should also be designed so that they do not Such experiments are and should continue to be legitimate become commitments to infrastructure. It is better, especially in the humanities where the need for cyberinfrastructure is far from obvious to our colleagues, to go slow and be inclusive than to impose from above. Report prepared for the Treasury Board Secretariat of the Government of Canada, 2007. James Park as the street lamps were being extinguished, and famously declared: the lamps are going out all over Europe. His eerily prophetic statement came to represent the devastation of two world wars and the horrendous interwar period that followed. We are not quite likening the crisis facing scholarly communication, and the particular diculties in regards to digital scholarship that this meeting is addressing, to two calamitous world wars. Yet for many of our peers, the potential loss of print culture and the institutional and professional structures that have been created around it seem nearly as momentous. It is an inheritance that has resulted in some of the crowning glories of our shared cultural heritage, bridging languages, cultures, and time. The digital, on the other hand, represents a return to the Dark Ages, the potential disappearance of a thousand years of intellectual achievement, a loss as huge as the destruction of the great library of Alexandria. The digital, with its impermanence, mutability, fads, technology shifts, and hype, is not a brave new world but one fraught with changing expectations, littered with unusable devices, lost content, and a fair proportion of the population functionally illiterate: an illiteracy as pervasive as that before the great enterprise of free elementary education that began in the West in the mid-nineteenth century. Oddly enough, when looking for a quote (distantly remembered) about the analogy linking the Middle Ages to this new illiteracy, a Google search for digital middle ages revealed thousands of hits, but none Rather, they demonstrated the of them (at least in the rst few pages of returns) referred to this idea. Or at least we presume when designing our projects that there is nobody left connecting on a dialup line (although this is how most people still connect in Ireland outside the major cities). This page was generated in Taiwan with dynamic translation demonstrating print s never efore. In his paper on Sustainability, Jerry makes a number of challenging comments about the problem of sustainability. This is a hot-button issue in Europe as well, but the terms of engagement with it are somewhat dierent. What follows over the next few pages is another perspective on the elephant in the room, therefore, one that emerges from a dierent geographical starting point and therefore takes in a few dierent sidebar issues as a result. European governmental It also, however, subsidization of higher education has a number of exceptionally positive eects on society and education, not least among them the leveling of the nancial playing eld for access to university study. There is open recognition that institutional missions dier, that disciplinary norms of quality and impact dier, and that the presence or absence of quantiable and comparable output measures of a scholarly communications ecosystem varies widely between the disciplines. Yet at the end of the day a certain exact number of Euros or Pounds must be allocated to each player in the system, and while there is no good way of making this determination, there are lots and lots of bad ones. Tools such as the H-Index provide an elegantly simple way of saying precisely where an individual scholar sits in the hierarchy of production, placing a simple numeric value on her contribution to her eld, which can easily be compared with the numeric values of her colleagues and competitors. This group came up with a very long list of possible forms of research output that could be measured (although the report did not always dene or specify how one might capture these measurements) and determined that a basket of these measures, including a peer review lite approach, could be chosen closer in time to the rst round of the new assessment exercise in 2013. This report was largely an admission of failure in the face of a task for which the system had no easy or accessible tools. This is not to say that there have not been attempts to develop frameworks to enable a more systematic quality assessment of research outputs in the arts and humanities. The real threat this index posed to smaller publishers and national journals, which were very appropriate places for certain kinds of research to appear, resulted in the project being largely abandoned after its initial development funding ran out. This extended anecdote is intended to illustrate an environment that holds both opportunities and threats for the development of scholarly communications in Europe. On the other side, however, the existence of national systems with gatekeepers who are If the traditional unsure how to evaluate scholarship most eectively also means that these gatekeepers may also be willing to work with their community to dene reasonable metrics and approaches to assessment.

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